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  1. C

    Backpacking Europe

    Yes, I have travelled alone through Europe and Asian using much the same M.O. If you plan carefully and have the proper attitude it can be done and HAS been done by many, many people. Don't presume to tell me what I have and haven't done. Your experiences and mine are very different. What...
  2. C

    Backpacking Europe

    First, my best wishes to you on this impending adventure. Some random, offhand thoughts: 1. Keep your passport and some additional money in a belly band holster, or some type of money belt. Use a wallet without any ID, put some cash in there along with old receipts and maybe some out of...
  3. C

    vacations ideas ?

    Go somewhere YOU wanna go. Ignore the boilerplate suggestions of popular culture - this is for YOU, not them. What do you like to do? What are your interests? That should drive your choice of destination. Next, logistics: what are your travel/financial/physical limitations? That will...
  4. C

    Most disturbing thing I've come to realize

    Short answer: never, EVER, compare your progress and/or status in life with that of another man, no matter how "similar" the patterns and appearances may be. You must only compare and compete with yourself. If you believe you are in a bad spot, if you are truly unhappy in your life then...
  5. C

    After High school

    Do not stress over the fact you are unable to make a career choice right now. And whatever you do...DO NOT, under any circumstances, let your parents pressure into any direction. Remember, you're the one living the life, using the time, and experiencing the consequences/benefits of your...
  6. C

    Got the military!

    There is nothing wrong with you. You are simply having a normal reaction to the glamorization of war presented by Hollywood and the Pentagon. Joining the military and selecting a combat arms MOS is not something be done on a whim. Success in combat and the infantry branch requires a...
  7. C


    Time to delurk because I'm not liking what I'm reading in this thread. To the OP, young man, you are PCSing to GERMANY! GERMANY! You are going to spend the next several years in EUROPE! (unless this is TDY) Your flight to and from the continent, room and board will all be paid for by...