After High school

Aug 17, 2010
Reaction score
This board has some really grown guys so I'll ask here. I'm a senior in high school but I have no idea what I want to do afterwards. Not even remotely. Its why I haven't searched for universities. My parents keep saying I should already know what to do and don't want me to be clueless like my older brother. I just feel like I haven't really gotten in touch with enough interests for me to make a decision. I'm not asking to choose for me. I'm merely asking for help and advise.

For those that finished uni and had this problem what did you do to solve it?


Master Don Juan
Mar 23, 2005
Reaction score
-it's rare that a person ends up doing what they thought they would be doing. No matter how hard they plan.


Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2008
Reaction score
What do you love to do? Now, figure out how to that for a living. Now figure out what information you need more of to do that. And were is the best place you can get that information (college, trade school, internships).

Captain Nemo

New Member
May 18, 2010
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Do not stress over the fact you are unable to make a career choice right now. And whatever you do...DO NOT, under any circumstances, let your parents pressure into any direction. Remember, you're the one living the life, using the time, and experiencing the consequences/benefits of your actions, not them. Don't become someone's vicarious "role playing game character".

Having written that, very think carefully about what Warrior74 posted.

What do you like to do? What activities draw you, or energize you? Do you find yourself often tinkering with machines, drawing inanimate objects, whipping up meals from scratch, studying animal behavior?

Keep careful track of your time for a week. Then at the end of the week look at your top three categories. That should give you a clue of where your attention and interest lie.

Get back to us when you've had some time to think.

Also remember this: the world is not limited to the job postings on the internet and your local paper. The old rules of school and work are more or less dead. You must find and focus on your own path. There's lots of resources to help you do just that.

For now, as you search and ponder, stick with the basics:

1) Your Body - Check the Health and Fitness forum to keep your engine running as close to 100% as possible.
2) Your Teeth - I can't emphasize enough how important it is to take care of your teeth.
3) Your Mind - Study the basics of history, scientific method, warfare, rhetoric, critical thinking, and success.
4) Your Morale - You're very young, don't be discouraged or allow your spirit to be crushed by the tiny minds and ignoramus' who run the world.

Be your own man, first, last, and always.



Master Don Juan
Feb 14, 2005
Reaction score
Whatever you do, don't get a girlfriend. Enjoy the smorgasbord of hotties available at your age and don't let any chick ruin your youth no matter how great she seems because there's virtually no chance you'll be together a few years from now anyway, especially since she will change and usually get fat. Even if she's skinny at 19, chances are she'll be a lot fatter by 25.

Not a single one of my exes except recent ones stayed thin. Thank god i made it out of that gauntlet without being stupid and getting married or something.
