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  1. D

    Can I save my LTR?

    oh my god somebody save this kid, cordon your not helping
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    A message to the newbies

    I have been on and off this website under a few differnt names. Sometimes I would look back on the **** i said and get so embarressed that I would start a new profile. If you are a newbie you are probably either looking for a girlfriend or just to get laid. Unfortunatley you are looking for...
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    Can I save my LTR?

    STOP! cordon he has already had the talk with her. Now you got him throwing more threats at her. Don't email her, especialy if it is longer then a few sentences. Please understand I'm pationat about this post because you are going to blow it. you have the luxury of cutting her off for a...
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    Can you land a girl that rejects you at first?

    I started a post like this earlier and didn't seem to get a bite. The teachings of this website seem to be that if a girl doesn't show immediate interest in you, you will never get her interst level higher then yours. I completley disagree because me and my friends have have overcome this...
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    Don Juan suffering from AFC tendencies

    good post bigneil, forget about the whole ex thing. The thing I like about this conversation is allot of guys come here for advice and perhaps it would be good for them to know that even the best of the best find themselves having an AFC moment. And if someone disagrees let's hear from them too.
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    Don Juan suffering from AFC tendencies

    hmmm I think me and Don Juan are on the same page. In fact this reminds me of when a girl might act like she has feelings for you and then the next day the opposite. Drives you crazy hah? But you want her even more hah? very interesting stuff any other comments? any 100% AFC proof dons out there?
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    Proper technique for lifting her up during sex

    LOL that's hilarious. pretty sure Maxtro has never done it though Wait, actualy Silky asked a good question anybody know about this?
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    Don Juan suffering from AFC tendencies

    i think we all deal with them allot. it is women that give us AFC tendencies that we see as a challege and often find ourselves in dare i say the word "love" with. This is not to be mistaken for full blown AFCs that need allot of work. But if your pretty good at slaying ***** and someone...
  9. D

    Can I save my LTR?

    She needs time to realize she has been taking you for granted bro. pick whatever school of thought you want or stop categorizing straqgies into a box and just do what needs to be done. Actions speak louder then words. you have had a conversation about this stuff and she has responded. Not to...
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    Interest levels Pook vs. Anti dump

    A recent post about girlfriend's and there interest levels: has brought me to dicussions that pook brought up to honor antidump. The thing that's confusing for me is pook supports anti dumps theorys that if a girl doesn't show imediate...
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    Think I made a mistake need some advice

    2 days strong still haven't called her
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    Think I made a mistake need some advice

    thanx man left a voice message that night apologizing for all the calls too. maybe that wasn't even necesary. maybe that hurt me. it just seemed funny at happy hour and really just wanted her to come hang. then when i sobered up i thought maybe it was inapropriate for me to blow up someone's...
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    Think I made a mistake need some advice

    Any other input out there?
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    Think I made a mistake need some advice

    do you mean get back in the rotation with her? how? or do you just mean girls in general?
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    Think I made a mistake need some advice

    Not sure what that means
  16. D

    Think I made a mistake need some advice

    OK so I met this girl a couple weeks ago and we had a great time together. The night before last night we ran into each other again and really hit it off. She wound up sleeping over and we had sex and all that. It was a great night. She asked that I call her and take her to dinner. Sounds...