Don Juan suffering from AFC tendencies


Master Don Juan
Mar 26, 2008
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Not realy sure if i can call myself a Don Juan yet but I have done some slaying over the years. In fact I'm not sure if i would want to be a Don Juan because I like having allot of sex with one person rather then allot of people.

Anyways, The most infuential material as far as scoring chicks for me above al the dvds and bull**** has been the book of pook. Following the philosophies in that has taken me a long way.

The problem I'm struggling with is that I often find myself slipping into AFC tendencies from time to time with the latest girl I have been seeing. I have insecurities like I'm sure everybody else does. We could all be in better shape, have more money or worst of all wonder if I'm doing all the right things to hold her attention or wonder if she is losing interest in me. When she talks to another guy or even girl I can't help but think, is she moving on? questions start running through my head, "do I show her that this bothers me? Do I flirt with another girl and show her i have other options are is that the last thing she wants me to do?

More often then not I worry and things wind up being not even close to as bad as I make up in my head. Is it possible to be a Slaying Don Juan with air tight game 24 hours a day or is it natural to slip up once in a while? If I were insesitive testosterone head all the time couldn't that be a turn off for women too?

Anyways looking for some good feedback,
thank you


Master Don Juan
May 5, 2010
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sosilky said:
We could all be in better shape, have more money or worst of all wonder if I'm doing all the right things to hold her attention or wonder if she is losing interest in me. When she talks to another guy or even girl I can't help but think, is she moving on?
The problem you seem to have, my friend, is that you're still not The Prize. I don't know where you are in your life but, until you're at that point where you're willing and able to walk away from a woman who does not measure up to you, you will have these doubtful thoughts.

Become the best man you can be and your perception will change.


Master Don Juan
Mar 26, 2008
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vatoloco said:
The problem you seem to have, my friend, is that you're still not The Prize. I don't know where you are in your life but, until you're at that point where you're willing and able to walk away from a woman who does not measure up to you, you will have these doubtful thoughts.

Become the best man you can be and your perception will change.

good post votaloco this i think is seome of the best advice pook gives. but you know what they say, for every hot girl there is a guy who is sick of banging her. Is it possible the same goes for the opposite sex? Is being the prize always enough?


Oct 20, 2006
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When you are with the wrong woman, they will tend to hurt your self esteem.

Here's what I recently dealt with despite the smoothest pickup of my life and her swearing I was "The one":

*Your car is not as nice as their ex's even though it's a BMW M3.
*You don't do steroids like their ex so you're not as ripped as him even though you are 6'5"/210 and can do 50 pushups and 25 chinups.
*You're not a CTO like their other ex so you're not as rich as him even though you make 100K per year.
*She might have issues with sex even though you are good looking.
*Her last boyfriend cheated on her and you are faithful.
*Her other boyfriend used to blow her off but you write back (too nice to her).

No matter how much experience you have or how much of DJ you were when you met her and originally seduced her, her behavior can wear on you. The result is AFC tendencies when you are with her. Get rid of her.

Has anyone dealt with such a woman?


Don Juan
Apr 17, 2010
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bigneil said:
When you are with the wrong woman, they will tend to hurt your self esteem.

Here's what I recently dealt with despite the smoothest pickup of my life and her swearing I was "The one":

*Your car is not as nice as their ex's even though it's a BMW M3.
*You don't do steroids like their ex so you're not as ripped as last BF even though you can do 50 pushups and 25 chinups.
*You're not a CTO like their other ex so you're not as rich as second to last BF even though you make 100K per year.
*She might have issues with sex or just not be that attracted to you even though you are 6'5"/210 and lean.
*Her last boyfriend cheated on her and you are too nice.
*Her other boyfriend used to blow her off but you write back when she freaks out.

No matter how much experience you have or how much of DJ you were when you met her and originally seduced her, her behavior can wear on you. The result is AFC tendencies. Get rid of her.

Has anyone dealt with such a woman?

i think we all deal with them allot. it is women that give us AFC tendencies that we see as a challege and often find ourselves in dare i say the word "love" with. This is not to be mistaken for full blown AFCs that need allot of work. But if your pretty good at slaying ***** and someone brings up AFC tendencies that keep you on your toes haven't you met someone who challenges you/ perhaps that's a good thing? If there are Don Juans out there that swear up and down that they never slip up and lose their cool I would love to hear from them here so they can tell me how they do it.


Master Don Juan
Mar 19, 2008
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bigneil said:
When you are with the wrong woman, they will tend to hurt your self esteem.

*Your car is not as nice as their ex.
*You don't do steroids like their ex so you're not as ripped.
*You're not a CTO like their other ex so you're not as rich.
*She might have issues with sex or just not be that attracted to you
*Her last boyfriend cheated on her and you are too nice
*Her other boyfriend used to blow her off but you write back when she freaks out

No matter how much experience you have or how much of DJ you were when you met her and originally seduced her, her behavior can wear on you. The result is AFC tendencies. Get rid of her.

Has anyone dealt with such a woman?

Why would you ever hear anything about her ex? I mean, when a gf of mine is about to talk about an ex or even, my exes I just cut out the convo! There is no reason about hearing or saying anything about past lovers!
I don't think you get AFC to the wrong woman! You get AFC to the right woman! You want to give more and you simply do it cause you are infatuated! It's not that bad if she treats you the same way, and you always know when you are overdoing it so that you can stop it!


Master Don Juan
Mar 19, 2008
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Also you can correct things after being AFC by doing something completely opposite! She won't be sure wtf is going on with you but it will be fun, she will be more interested (cause of the mystery) and you will have made things a bit steady again! :)


Don Juan
Apr 17, 2010
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DonJuanit0 said:
Also you can correct things after being AFC by doing something completely opposite! She won't be sure wtf is going on with you but it will be fun, she will be more interested (cause of the mystery) and you will have made things a bit steady again! :)

hmmm I think me and Don Juan are on the same page. In fact this reminds me of when a girl might act like she has feelings for you and then the next day the opposite. Drives you crazy hah? But you want her even more hah? very interesting stuff any other comments? any 100% AFC proof dons out there?


Oct 20, 2006
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doinwork said:
If there are Don Juans out there that swear up and down that they never slip up and lose their cool I would love to hear from them here so they can tell me how they do it.
Yes, when we find one we really like we are always at the limits of our game, but that doesn't mean they were the right girl. In the least case, we shouldn't fall until they confessed true feelings for us (shouldn't happen when you first meet them). But then you can get dependent if they are really hot. It's hard to find women who are really hot and who really like you - no matter who you are.

When a woman mixes and matches all of the best features of their ex's (while no one ever had them all) you are in an impossible situation. And yes, they should never talk about their ex to begin with.


Don Juan
Apr 17, 2010
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bigneil said:
Yes, when we find one we really like we are always at the limits of our game, but that doesn't mean they were the right girl. In the least case, we shouldn't fall until they confessed true feelings for us (shouldn't happen when you first meet them). But then you can get dependent if they are really hot. It's hard to find women who are really hot and who really like you - no matter who you are.

When a woman mixes and matches all of the best features of their ex's (while no one ever had them all) you are in an impossible situation. And yes, they should never talk about their ex to begin with.

good post bigneil, forget about the whole ex thing. The thing I like about this conversation is allot of guys come here for advice and perhaps it would be good for them to know that even the best of the best find themselves having an AFC moment. And if someone disagrees let's hear from them too.


Oct 20, 2006
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The most painful rejections (and AFC moments) are what force us to grow and learn.


Master Don Juan
May 5, 2010
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sosilky said:
good post votaloco this i think is seome of the best advice pook gives. but you know what they say, for every hot girl there is a guy who is sick of banging her. Is it possible the same goes for the opposite sex? Is being the prize always enough?
IDK about "them" but for me it is. I know that I am indeed The Prize and that if a woman does not want to be with me for any reason, there's always another one willing and able to replace her.

It is this power that I derive from this stage in my life that allows me to be in control of my life (and any relationship I may be in at any particular time.)


Master Don Juan
Apr 19, 2002
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Manhattan, NY
sosilky said:
The problem I'm struggling with is that I often find myself slipping into AFC tendencies from time to time with the latest girl I have been seeing. I have insecurities like I'm sure everybody else does. We could all be in better shape, have more money or worst of all wonder if I'm doing all the right things to hold her attention or wonder if she is losing interest in me. When she talks to another guy or even girl I can't help but think, is she moving on? questions start running through my head, "do I show her that this bothers me? Do I flirt with another girl and show her i have other options are is that the last thing she wants me to do?
I think you worry about these things because you're placing too much of your happiness into maintaining this relationship.

Always be ready to walk away. And always be willing to accept that she may walk away.

That way, you're just focused on being the best man possible. And not whether or not she interprets you that way. You can't control what these girls think. But you can control whether or not you are progressing into the man you want to be.

Focus on what you can control.