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    THe Wussy's Guide on Women: Lesson 1

    Wait what? I might be looking at this in a more abstract way because we're all saying the same thing. Seduction is a huge part of the game but no matter what how much of a great seducer you are, DOES A WOMEN CHOOSE to hook up with you, YES or NO? If YEs then She holds a power, a power to...
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    THe Wussy's Guide on Women: Lesson 1

    GetOveIT jesus your a little annoying dude dont take this the wrong way but You must be the biggest dumb piece of S*** ive ever read posts on. And I would of agreed with you but the girls I date and encounter are extra pretty and willing to bet way better than anything you could get. NOT to...
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    THe Wussy's Guide on Women: Lesson 1

    GetOveIt I think were talking about 2 different things. Regardless of how you view power when it comes to seduction a women is subconcsiouly making a choice whether to hookup with someone or not. Seduction isnt some kind of magical spell, it is what it is and the girl still DECIDES whether its...
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    THe Wussy's Guide on Women: Lesson 1

    I know I should of concluded something that since us guys "have to" go through all this head game, not be ourselves, seduction BS and cant see us for the amazing guys we know we all are then they deserve the mistreatment in the end. So Ultimately no matter what path you choose, the flirtiness...
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    THe Wussy's Guide on Women: Lesson 1

    How does being cheated, beated and "pissed" on relate to seduction? That sounds retardly violent. And girls are WAY more powerful when it comes to seducing men, were the ones going up to them; trying to dance, talk, bull**** with them. They hold the power whether your going to get lucky or...
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    THe Wussy's Guide on Women: Lesson 1

    Are you guys seriously stupid, like no disrespect but what I texted was the PURE, UGLY and RAW TRUTH. Thats what I really felt and if I had told her any different then I would be playing with her head. She wont stop texting me today on how much she wants to ditch class with me.
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    The Most Important Thing Youll Ever Read

    Now what some wussy people dont understand... Sandow you listening. Im not emotionally dependent of the outcome, what I texted is how I really feel its actually the raw truth.
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    The Most Important Thing Youll Ever Read

    That's something you have to take in yourself. Similarly to all these articles/lessons, any one can read but its up to the individual to interpret and act out on their own.
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    THe Wussy's Guide on Women: Lesson 1

    GIRLS are so much more advanced when it comes to seduction. They're the ones who actually have all the power because most men have to initiate the seduction. We're the ones to go on the hunt. While women on the other hand are the gate keepers of letting you in or out at every step. They're the...
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    The Most Important Thing Youll Ever Read

    GIRLS are so much more advanced when it comes to seduction. They're the ones who actually have all the power because most men have to initiate the seduction. We're the ones to go on the hunt. While women on the other hand are the gate keepers of letting you in or out at every step. They're...
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    Has Anyone Ever Noticed

    Has anyone ever noticed that HB's 7's and up Are Way more friendly/outgoing and actually give you more of a chance than 6's and under? Even if hb's 7& up are stuck up, you could throw a neg hit and they start laughing whether their interested or not. Girls that are 6's have their pads in too...
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    Crappy First

    Oh & thanks Nice advice
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    Crappy First

    HAHA, yup I went with the grama thing b/c I was trying to neg hit her to make her feel self conscious but I didnt follow up. This neg-hit didnt work OR maybe its too cruel. Maybe Ill simply just sit next to her at our next class like its a fresh start and maybe point out something nice about...
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    new here! and if possible i could really use some advice

    HEY eaglez117, Basically theres this hb that in my class usually by herself. What makes her more of a challenege is that she kind of likes my in-class buddy (im in a college class). So all they do is say there pathetic 'heys" to eachother and thats it plus this kids' got a girlfriend. I've...
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    Crappy First

    YEAH thank god you just said that. Ive never ever been an over analyzer, why the hell should I start now
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    new here! and if possible i could really use some advice

    WOW eaglez1177 Is right on target; he ju$t saved you a whole mess of a time and a better understanding of how to handle the next situation. & those were tears of realization HEY eaglez1177 Mind Helping me on a situation that I've never found myself to be in?
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    Should I always be mysterious from the beginning to the end of a relationship?

    I think if your in a relationship you owe it to the girl to release some information about yourself. You def. dont need to be playing mr mysterious all the time pretty soon the wise up if its an act BUT always keep her on edge. Tell her your busy sometimes, or you cant share some bits of...
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    Crappy First

    HEy who's ever a real man on this I could use a good 'ol pointer. ANY TIP, ADVICE, POINTER WOULD BE GREAT THANKS FELLAS:rolleyes: Short story short: 1.There's this girl in my class I have a small crush on, she sits in the back usually alone. 2.I know she kind of likes my in class buddy...
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    Crappy First

    HEy who's ever a real man on this I could use a good 'ol pointer. ANY TIP, ADVICE, ON IF I SHOULD GO UP TO HER ONCE MORE Short story short: 1.There's this girl in my class I have a small crush on, she sits in the back usually alone. 2.I know she kind of likes my in class buddy who sits...
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    SHould I simply sit next to her? help advice

    HEy who's ever a real man on this I could use a good 'ol pointer. Short story short: 1.There's this girl in my class I have a small crush on, she sits in the back usually alone. 2.I know she kind of likes my in class buddy who sits next to me in class, they often say "hey" to eachother...