The Most Important Thing Youll Ever Read

alkaline hero

Don Juan
Mar 9, 2010
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GIRLS are so much more advanced when it comes to seduction. They're the ones who actually have all the power because most men have to initiate the seduction. We're the ones to go on the hunt. While women on the other hand are the gate keepers of letting you in or out at every step. They're the landlords of love and if you cant show your worthiness you're out of their deal. Its kind of pathetic that we have read **** articles like, "why not just be yourself". This is telling me to throw out every aspect of my personality and piss it away because women wont like the real me? It blows me away how much POWER women hold and how PATHETIC it is for men to keep filling up their ego's. I think I'd rather fill up a tank of karosene and burn down every self destructive day I had because I was too worried about how I "messed things up" with some girl.
Does everyone at this point see why this is just a GAME and not take yourself or girls so damn serious?
These articles are amazing for simple techniques, guidance, support etc but they're just theories. One can't expect to obtain results from reading theories, its about going out and trying things on your own. I mean for God's sake your just trying to get laide right? That sounds so damn simple so why do guys try to over analyze every stupid G.D. text message, conversation, or body movement a girl makes? "Oh she smiled at me but not quite enough teeth were showing, she wasnt that happy to see me...she must not like me" How many times have you heard something like weak!

If you think she's playing mind games for any reason...then Im sorry but its too late fo you so...

Learn to move on, its for the best. Isn't it an awful feeling when your emotionally dependent on a women? Kind of pathetic when you get the wind knocked out of you when that "special one" rejects you or didnt answer your call. Or how about when your day gets ruined when some girl you like didnt show up to class/work/date where ever. Aw, what a bummer. Most men need to stop being such filthy, disgusting love leeches and go about their own day. In all honesty what kind of a guy has nothing else to do besides worry why they suck with girls? HUGE, waste of time! If your wasting your time worrying why you suck with girls you might as well claim that you suck at life because your not doing anything productive at the moment. Sign up at the gym, sport, a class; buy some new clothes, build your resume up, start a band, a blog, learn to cook, play video games, learn a new hobby-just about anything is better being some dumb piece that stays home and worries about some stupid girl.

Some things will never change. Unfortunately if you do want some fine tail your going to have to take a stand and put yourself out there. Men will always be the hunters and the women will ultimately decide whehter your in with them. But who cares? Spotaneity, that's what life's about, I mean theres plenty of loser jerk-offs putting themselves out there so why cant a great guy like yourself do it? Dont be an outcome dependent ***** and take small steps towards your goal every single day.

Now for my final act, the reason why I wrote this rant today. I was so inspired on how F**** up women really are...mmhmm(clears throat)
( cracks knuckles)

Girl texts me (from a previous hook up a few months ago)

Girl: Hey Im at Urban's; want to join me?
ME: Hey weird, I was there yesterday and I was going to go there to return something but since your there...inserted smily face
Girl: Your seriously a **** to me.
ME: Watch your filthy mouth, you wont be so big when you see me tomorrow (we go to the same school)
Girl: Ew, I wont be there then
Me: Then Seriously, stop texting me
Girl: I hate You, Your seriously obnoxious
Me: (I didnt respond)
1-2 hours later....
Girl: Your obnoxious. I just thought I should burn you again.
me: hah, cute. You thought you burned me
15 minutes later...
Girl: Let's skip class and drink in honor of cinco de mayo!
me: didnt respond:up:


Master Don Juan
Mar 20, 2010
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So since this is the most important thing i read can i ask what is the final message of it?

alkaline hero

Don Juan
Mar 9, 2010
Reaction score
That's something you have to take in yourself. Similarly to all these articles/lessons, any one can read but its up to the individual to interpret and act out on their own.

alkaline hero

Don Juan
Mar 9, 2010
Reaction score
Now what some wussy people dont understand... Sandow you listening. Im not emotionally dependent of the outcome, what I texted is how I really feel its actually the raw truth.


New Member
Oct 16, 2009
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good post, alkaline. i think the main point of your post is, to make your life primary, and women secondary. and the ironic thing is, when you make your life primary, when you live with passion and works toward your happiness and success (without being dependent on romantic ideals and approval from women), that is when women (and the right kind of woman) become naturally attracted to you.