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  1. R

    Digestive Tract Health

    Training times are in the morning after 1st food intake of the day, before breakfast. I have only just begun lifting seriously. Until now, CrossFit was it. Heck... Good for metabolic conditioning but look where it got me strength-wise. I am a small skinny weakling.:cry: It's OK.. I tell myself...
  2. R

    Digestive Tract Health

    I would say 75% of my food intake in a given month would be like ^this^... Even though there is a lot of fat in my diet, for the most part I feel healthy and energetic, as it is healthy home food. I go to the grocery store (Albertsons) so often, that I now have friends in the produce and meat...
  3. R

    Digestive Tract Health

    OK... Here's a sample day. It is the staple that I rely on: 1st food intake of the day: typically within 30min. of waking up (~5:30 - 6:00 am) 2 glasses whole milk 4-5 tbsp peanut butter Breakfast: ~8:00 am 3-egg bacon omlette 1 avocado 1 fruit bowl (pineapple, grapes) Mid-morning...
  4. R

    Digestive Tract Health

    I am naturally very skinny so I have been eating a lot (I mean A LOT) of food spread out through out my day, to help with my strength gains. I lose weight and strength fast if I don't eat plenty. The problem I have noticed is that this can be taxing on my digestive tract on occasion (eg...
  5. R

    To all CrossFit freaks......

    Sure... I get that. I'm just saying that chronic shirtless syndrome is a pathological, though funny, affectation. Type Crossfit in any video-hosting site, and you'll see what I mean. A few months back, I saw two moderately-built guys walking around the streets on my campus, shirtless, wearing...
  6. R

    To all CrossFit freaks......

    To Jitterbug and synergy1, I have acknowledged your statements. Thanks for replying. Jitterbug, You say it as it is. I appreciate that. There is much I want to say and put down in words, and yes I have my own views on a few points you guys raised. But it doesn't matter. Words are secondary...
  7. R

    To all CrossFit freaks......

    Hey all, I'm really sorry for the outburst. I'm not one to question CrossFit methodology. I am following and it gives me results! My issue was that of vanity. I don't want to become a person so enraptured with himself that he loses sight of truer aims. I saw this standard take hold in the...
  8. R

    Excited to Share

    Hey Deadly_Ripped, One more thing from reading your post: You stated that your time of convalescence and general inactivity following the accident, forced you to lose body mass. A lot of people would gain. I'm with you; it's hard for me to put on weight; went down to 125 lbs (at 5'9"). Up to...
  9. R

    Excited to Share

    Hi Deadly_Ripped, This is really good news indeed and thank you so much for sharing! First of all, I am glad to hear that you are recovered and well. God-willing, you came out of the accident with injuries only. Still, I know how discouraging and frustrating it can be to the spirit when you...
  10. R

    To all CrossFit freaks......

    Keep your damn shirt ON. GOD....
  11. R

    What attractive women want (in a nutshell)

    I'm sorry Tiguere that you refuse to see the value in this post, but dismissing it entirely for everyone on this forum is uncalled for. Let people decide for themselves if this post holds value for them.
  12. R

    Rate her

    Man, I don't know which planet you guys come from! That first girl there, Rachel, is beautiful. Y'all are crazy.
  13. R

    List of Movies That Will CHANGE Your Life

    Pacino films: Scarface vs. Carlito's Way Hey Franky Four Fingers! I see you've included a mighty list, many of which star Al Pacino. I grew up on movies like Scarface, but there is another movie with the man Pacino that I would have to say is my all time favorite gangster film: Carlito's...
  14. R

    Good body language

    I twisted my ankle pretty bad on this past Saturday, and am now slowly beginning to recover. It forced me to walk slowly and carefully lest I get hurt again. You know what's weird though? The sprained ankle kind of gave a swagger!
  15. R

    Ideal Weight

    5' 9" and a 135lbs. Would like to be 175. Very hard for me to put on weight but I'm sticking to it. Was a time when I was 110 lbs at the same height! Felt like a medium gust of wind would blow me away.
  16. R

    Smelly things in back of throat

    They're called tonsilloliths or tonsil stones. Anyone else get them?
  17. R

    Best Places for public sex?

    On a crowded Chinatown pavement (Crank). In the middle of a racetrack, with the horses coming your way (Crank 2). :up:
  18. R

    Interesting article on "Manliness"

    Link's not working.
  19. R

    Good body language

    With body language, I just don't think you can fake it at all. Body language is an indicator, a reflection of where you are in life. When you try to fake it, you are consciously thinking about "maintaining good posture and projecting a solid presence." It usually comes off as very unnatural...
  20. R

    Getting looks

    Thank you. This is what I needed to hear.