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  1. T

    Tarzan smoke signal S.O.S! Why so many bisexual women these days?

    Tarzan wonder: Why so many bisexual women these days? Are warriors not good enough anymore? Are alot of them secretly lesbian women? Or just to be insecure attention getters? Is it from childhood? And how would fellow warriors feel if in serious relationship and their special Jane admitted to...
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    Tarzan say to young Anx1ety warrior: Do not be little pansified nancy boy with you Jane and be her shoulder to cry on! Be MAN and disappear! No more communication! Or.....she will trade her tears on your shoulder and make you her Kleenex! ...And Tarzan no have to tell you what happen with use...
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    Uhhh huh huh huh

    Tarzan say: Tarzan can be pretty dumb sometimes too!...Like young butthead warrior!......But SMARTER! Tarzan also like to say to young butthead warrior that 5.5 inch chubby does not count as personal growth! Unga Bunga Boo!
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    Obsessed over her (pedophile) ex boyfriend, and sexual history - how do I stop?!

    Tarzan say: Listen Tarzan young warrior! Do NOT get upset that you Jane's ex want to be reincarnation of Michael Jackson and use little ones as his sparkled glove hand puppets! True he take her virginity! BUT......One day he get taken away to far away camp.......where big hairy Green Mile size...
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    Tarzan allowed back in warrior villiage with peaceful greeting message!!

    Tarzan say: Villiage warriors no understand you English! Maybe we understand once you remove Tarzan swinging flesh vine from you hole in face? Run along now lil man! Unggggaaaa!!!!
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    Tarzan smoke signal of day: “Let’s just be friends”! by Tarzan the Ape Man!

    Tarzan say: Funny you speak of that! Jane say EXACTLY same thing! But Tarzan no weird! Tarzan UNIQUE! Tarzan is OWN MAN. Strong! Proud! No care what others think MAN! Tarzan will now continue to let young warrior Eaglez1177 whine in future posts worthy of an Emmy and a guest spot on Oprah! Pass...
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    make canned openners,your canned openers.

    Tarzan say: What Can opener? What Can? Tarzan need one of these Can opener! New local 7-11 in Jungle no sell fresh foods but food pictures in metal objects! Unga Bunga Boo!
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    I've realized that i'm pretty much an a$$hole

    Tarzan say: Listen to Tarzan wtchdoctor like advice young warrior! You have much to be proud of! You were placed on this earth for a GOOD reason! So you KNOW you have faults! We all do! Even your PERFECT warrior friends! Even Tarzan the mighty Ape Man! Even in MOUNTAINS of posts from other...
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    first time here. need help

    Tarzan say: Falcon! Me like Falcons! You soar high like Eagle! Hold head high and grasp cute slippery little minnow in man-talons! You say hi and introduce self then ask minnow how her do in last year art class and if her have any art to show Falcon! If she do bad in art class is even better...
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    Tarzan smoke signal of day: “Let’s just be friends”! by Tarzan the Ape Man!

    Tarzan say: If woman friend want break up with Tarzan and say to Tarzan “Let’s just be friends”. Tarzan be MAN, LOOK DIRECTLY IN EYES of Jane and say: We were boyfriend and girlfriend Friends who did many things Friends who went through highs and lows Friends who had sex...
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    Tarzan smoke signal of day: “Let’s just be friends”! by Tarzan the Ape Man!

    Tarzan say: If woman friend want break up with Tarzan and say to Tarzan “Let’s just be friends”. Tarzan be MAN, LOOK DIRECTLY IN EYES of Jane and say: We were boyfriend and girlfriend.. Friends who did many things.. Friends who went through highs and lows.. Friends who had naughty...
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    Tarzan allowed back in warrior villiage with peaceful greeting message!!

    Tarzan say: Let be lesson to all young warriors! Do not disrespect tribal village elders! Tarzan back and Tarzan use his mighty chimp like keyboard pounding skills for good of all warrior men! Tarzan no understand what troll is though? No troll in whole of motherland Africa! Tarzan only troll...