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  1. B

    About becoming 'official' - who should suggest it?

    Whoa! Whoa, this is an old topic! Well, I just happened to stop by this forum, and saw this again! Haha. If you want an update, things have been going really well. It kinda went similarly to what shydude said. She is indeed very attached to me, and I must say I'm enjoying this...
  2. B

    About becoming 'official' - who should suggest it?

    Sorry for the bad wording on my last post! The thing is that she didn't resist and asked me to be her bf soon after, but the kiss didn't last long, because she became really uncomfortable (I could feel it, too) and we backed off after about one second (being her first kiss and all, I'd guess)...
  3. B

    About becoming 'official' - who should suggest it?

    Well... she's extremely, extremely uncomfortable with it. If I may ask, did you read my last post?
  4. B

    About becoming 'official' - who should suggest it?

    Well, interestingly enough... she passed the kiss test and I went for it, but apparently wasn't ready for it, so afterwards, it ended up in an awkward moment. She still asked me to be her bf afterwards and I said yes... But I don't feel any different. Would it be a good idea to wait until...
  5. B

    About becoming 'official' - who should suggest it?

    I'm fairly sure that she will say this line. Although, isn't this similar to asking if I can kiss her? Or does this convey a different message? I hear that I should never 'ask' to kiss her because that conveys lack of confidence...? Thanks.
  6. B

    About becoming 'official' - who should suggest it?

    Aha, you're right about her being a shy girl. It's her first relationship... and mine too. It's also our first kiss(es)... so... it's a little nerve wrecking for me as well. She has a high interest in me, this is for sure. I DO want to go in for a kiss, but since it's my first one as well...
  7. B

    About becoming 'official' - who should suggest it?

    Well, we've gone out about 3-4 times. We both have stuff to, at the most, we'd only be able to go out once every week. That said, we're both 16. I was planning on going for the kiss on our next date. You both ARE right, though. I should definitely go in for a kiss... As for being...
  8. B

    How exactly does one execute "keep away"?

    Thank you very much for your help, Analyzeit and kraytkiller. Analyzeit, I've read your post in the "Is It Jus Me....Or This Town?!" topic. It was most helpful, and I've decided not to carry through with the "Keep Away" tactic. If I may, I would like to direct you to my new topic...
  9. B

    About becoming 'official' - who should suggest it?

    Hello, I've been going out with this girl for about a month now. To make a long story short with C+F and Kino, I've gotten to the hold-hand stage- no kiss. From what I gather, she has a very high interest level in me. Of course, we still aren't 'official'. My point is: Do I go ahead...
  10. B

    How exactly does one execute "keep away"?

    Thanks Ah, I see...! Would it be a good idea to ignore her for a day the day after a date? I remember after our first date, when I mentioned it two days later, she immediately asked "... were you not satisfied with me?". So, I'm wondering if I do ignore her for a day after a date... if...
  11. B

    How exactly does one execute "keep away"?

    This has been baffling me for some time. There is this girl who is interested in me, and I can pull off the C/F + Kino fine, but how far does one go with "Keep Away"? It used to be me who initiated conversations, but now it's flipped the other way around. Do I simply ignore her for a short...