About becoming 'official' - who should suggest it?


Master Don Juan
Oct 27, 2005
Reaction score
New York City
Okai I understand your story and its alright, nothing so terrible, you went out a couple times, no kiss you both wanna make a move but still holding back. Dont make anything official, you dont need it. what you need to do is go for a kiss the next time you go out, and after that see how things go and so on. Dont rush to make anything official and dont hold yourself back from sexual contact.

P.S didnt see your already kissed.

Okai now just take it easy since shes fresh at this. Remember she will be very attached to you since you are her first so called love. Dont worry about her being incomfortable, 3 years ago I was kissing with a girl who has never kissed before, she didnt wanna kiss me for 2 months cuz she was "SHY". 4 months later we were fk1ng daily.


Don Juan
Aug 3, 2009
Reaction score

Whoa, this is an old topic!

Well, I just happened to stop by this forum, and saw this again! Haha.

If you want an update, things have been going really well. It kinda went similarly to what shydude said. She is indeed very attached to me, and I must say I'm enjoying this relationship.

Just like shydude said, she was indeed "SHY", but after about 2-3 months, I got another kiss in, and ever since, it hasn't been a problem.

As far as 'sleeping' together goes, she's willing - or rather wants to do it with me. We're planning for the end of this month. We do not go to the same school, so we can see each other about once a week, unless I've got too much work on hand.

Really, though, I enjoy being with her. I don't mind the pace at which we're moving at, either. We've been each other's first everything so far, and it's been wonderful and meaningful.

Perhaps it's a late reply, but a big thank you to all the help in this thread! :)

Edit: Ahh, since I've posted... I've got a question. She has said twice, "I love you!", once on MSN, once via SMS (text). Both were when we were leaving, so I didn't have to reply.

How do I reply if she says this in person...?

I don't want to hurt her, I care about her... but I do find the idea of "love" for a highschool student is somewhat foolish.


Master Don Juan
Feb 6, 2007
Reaction score
Benivos said:
Hello, I've been going out with this girl for about a month now. To make a long story short with C+F and Kino, I've gotten to the hold-hand stage- no kiss. From what I gather, she has a very high interest level in me.

Of course, we still aren't 'official'.
My point is: Do I go ahead with it or wait and let HER do it? Who should be the one to suggest going official?

Make sure you get it in triplicate and in front of a notary, and for gods sake save the canary copy for your records.


Master Don Juan
Feb 20, 2009
Reaction score
Do not even think about moving this forward if you have not kissed (at least). Also, you've been on multiple dates over a MONTH without a kiss? I smell a problem here. You need to kiss her and move things forward.

EDIT: Saw your update. Dude. If you are happy with this pace you are either a) very inexperienced with women or b) lying to yourself. Again, you need to stop planning things like sex, just get together, get her comfortable and turned on, initiate, and escalate to sex.