How exactly does one execute "keep away"?


Don Juan
Aug 3, 2009
Reaction score
This has been baffling me for some time. There is this girl who is interested in me, and I can pull off the C/F + Kino fine, but how far does one go with "Keep Away"? It used to be me who initiated conversations, but now it's flipped the other way around.

Do I simply ignore her for a short while (say, 3 days to a week) or do I respond to her messages?

Thank you very much.


Don Juan
Oct 1, 2008
Reaction score
From my experiences, 3 day keep away in high school is a... long long time to do something like that. Lol.

Maybe ignore her for a day, randomly, on and off. Or just keep conversations short or, if you want to meet up with her, to the point.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 12, 2009
Reaction score
Auckland, New Zeland
Shorten it down in highschool lol, half a day is enough.

Don't always do this thou, highschool girls will take keeping away from them, short conversations.. ect to heart alot, so keep it small time


Don Juan
Aug 3, 2009
Reaction score

Ah, I see...! Would it be a good idea to ignore her for a day the day after a date?

I remember after our first date, when I mentioned it two days later, she immediately asked "... were you not satisfied with me?".

So, I'm wondering if I do ignore her for a day after a date... if she'll start thinking that she messed up somehow... or will it be fine?

Thanks for the replies so far!


Don Juan
Oct 1, 2008
Reaction score
Benivos said:
Ah, I see...! Would it be a good idea to ignore her for a day the day after a date?

I remember after our first date, when I mentioned it two days later, she immediately asked "... were you not satisfied with me?".

So, I'm wondering if I do ignore her for a day after a date... if she'll start thinking that she messed up somehow... or will it be fine?

Thanks for the replies so far!
Imagine this, you go out with her on a date, everything goes fine, your really happy about it, and you go to text your girl... only to be completely ignored for the whole following day. Yeah. You'd think you messed up. So would she.

Highschool girls being the sensitive insecure messes they are, its dangerous to do PUA tactics like these. Thats why I advise you to instead of completely ignoring her, keep conversations short and make it appear like your busy the day following the date.

Why are you so adamant on applying this keep away / push-pull tactic, anyways? If your skilled at C+F and can keep it sustained for a prolonged time longer conversations are that much of an interest killer.

From my experiences, anyways.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 12, 2009
Reaction score
Auckland, New Zeland
You should read what i posted on the thread "Is It Jus Me....Or This Town?!", if you think it applies to this thread as well.

Fact is these are dangerous PUA tools as hughman said. Not all highschool girls will be more attracted to you because of them, I know if some chick stopped talking to me after a date i'd be like "Can't be bother thinking bout this crap, next!" and they are different from me, but not too different.

You don't have to use these tools all the time, you don't even have to use it at all!, Just C+F it makes high school girls melt and it's not risky at all (unless you fail at it) as i said in other thread if you can keep the girl laughing and smiling with C+F and just being fun, you won't need these tactics. All a girl really wants is a fun guy, one that makes em smile when they think about him. It's simple really.


Don Juan
Aug 3, 2009
Reaction score
Thank you very much for your help, Analyzeit and kraytkiller.

Analyzeit, I've read your post in the "Is It Jus Me....Or This Town?!" topic. It was most helpful, and I've decided not to carry through with the "Keep Away" tactic.

If I may, I would like to direct you to my new topic pertaining to which individual should suggest going official.

"About becoming 'official' - who should suggest it?" is the topic name.

Once again, I greatly appreciate your advice and help.