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  1. B

    Beginner workout, any suggestions?

    Dude, I hate to be a ****, but I don't think you are completely comprehending what we are telling you. YOUR DIET IS ****. **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** ****! I don't get how you can do so much research for your training routine (****, you know what medial delts are!), but you...
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    Look, I don't want to get into this debate, so I'm just gonna post this and run. Alright, I love how whenever someone does something THEY KNOW is bad, they have to say, "oh, it's not that bad. It's not as bad as _____." In this debate, alcohol has been a pretty popular comparison. Who...
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    Lifeforce Weightlifting Journal

    First of all, good work. Your leg workout was nearly impeccable. My only suggestion on that is to do squats first because they work the most leg muscles out of all those exercises. Generally, you want to go from largest muscle groups to smallest muscle groups. Whatever, it's not a big deal...
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    Football Practice tomorrow, eat and drink?

    Since Im not diesel, you probably wont listen to this: You want your body to have a constant source of nutrients throughout the entire two hours to minimize muscle catabolism. So, I would say eat: #1: Oatmeal + whey + egg whites. (7:00 am) #2: Gatorade + whey (immediately before...
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    Starting bulking plan tomorrow, critique needed

    Yo, dude. When he says "eat a potato", interpret it as meaning "eat some complex carbs" (I am assuming one potato = 50-75g. carbs). It aint like potatos are some magic supplement. You can have oatmeal, brown rice, etc instead.
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    1 Week - Watch me work MAGIC!

    I completely agree with the above post. I also think that this thread is the biggest crock of **** ever. I love how this guy believes so much in something he learned from a ****ing movie. Why don't you ever try methods from "A Walk to Remember." "The foolish man laughs at the Tao?" The...
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    Best kind of diet for straight up fat loss?

    Why don't you just read the cutting guide, and follow the guidelines there for a month or two. You'll probably lose a good 10-15 pounds. Meanwhile, you can read up and buy all the supplies you need for a ketogenic diet. I only say this because Diesel's cutting guide is a pretty...
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    How much weight loss from cutting?

    When you cut you wont gain muscle. Meaning you will lose a lot of fat and a little bit of muscle. The more strictly you follow the cutting guide, the better the chances that the weight you lose is fat.
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    morning excercises

    Eat a high GI carb + fast digesting protein meal before your run. This way you will preserve your hard-earned muscle. Cardio is a tool to increase the calories you expend. Your aim is not to burn fat while doing the cardio. Rather, you should aim to increase your daily calorie defecit, and...
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    How long to have great body?

    More like 2-4 years, depending on your genetics, diet, and training.
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    Ok, my last question....

    Why don't you go research it, then come back and tell us.
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    AndyH, pasta and rice are considered high GI (I believe they are around 100). That's why you should avoid them. If you need pasta, certain types of whole wheat pasta are low GI and very good for you.
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    For all of you WHEY fans out there!

    Casein is not better than whey. Whey is not better than casein. Casein is best when used in certain situations. Whey is best when used in certain situations. Most people who know what they are talking about agree that whey should only be used 2 times during the day: 1) during the first...
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    Home made protein bars.

    Dude, I wrote something but decided there's no way to argue this without being a jackass. So, I decided to post this article:
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    Home made protein bars.

    These bars may taste good, but nutritionally they are pretty bad.
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    To All Who Talks To Girls Through Msn/aim

    I think one of the main problems with this forum is expressed in this thread. Here is the situation (it could be ANY situation, not just one involving AOL): 1) You talk to a chick, but in order to talk to her you have to do something chumpy like running over to her or using AOL. 2) You...
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    hmm Got KB'd from this chick, but hit her with some real ****y/funny remarks

    Can someone explain to me why/how this is excellent?
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    crunches for 6 pack?

    Not that you wont get results with your guys' methods, but doing 2-4 sets of 6-10 reps of weighted crunches will give you much better-looking abs in a much shorter amount of time. Just thought I'd throw weighted crunches out there, because I would hate for someone to read this thread and think...
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    Dextrose: When to use? Before, during, after?

    Always do this, even if you arent taking creatine. Use dextrose pre, during, and post.
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    Wanna get BIG? Use this routine!

    Arnold presses suck. They work your shoulders less than a straight-up shoulder press. and, dude, deadlifts ARE a leg exercise.