I just got my supplement stuff so now I'm off to the gym. Thought about keeping a small journal here to track my progress and to get some feedback.
Current Size when starting:
1,77 meters (5,8 feet)
65 Kg (142 lbs) and hardgainer!
75 Kg (165 lbs)
<8% body fat
Optimum Nutrition 100% Whey (vanilla - tastes GREAT!)
Dalblads Nutrition Weight Gainer (vanilla)
Dalblads Nutrition Micronized Pure Creatine
Multivitamin and minerals
Flaxseed oil (haven't got this one yet)
18/5 2005 Leg Day
Just tried new exersices and kept around 10-12 reps to get used to the weight. People at the gym was really nice, met the instructor and we got along real well. In the beginning it was scary going to the gym but now people come up and chat between sets, its like a second family!
Straight-back and Straight-leg Deadlift (hamstrings)
11 Rep 50 Kg (110 lbs)
9 Rep 50 Kg (110 Lbs)
9 Rep 50 Kg (110 Lbs)
7 Rep 50 Kg (110 Lbs)
Squats (quadriceps)
12 Rep 50 Kg (110 Lbs)
11 Rep 60 Kg (130 Lbs)
9 Rep 60 Kg (130 Lbs)
7 Rep 60 Kg (130 Lbs)
Standing Calves Raise (Back Calves)
15 Rep 50 Kg (110 Lbs)
12 Rep 55 Kg (120 Lbs)
11 Rep 60 Kg (130 Lbs)
9 Rep 65 Kg (140 Lbs)
Seated Reverse Calf Rise (Front Calves)
20 Rep 20 Kg (40 Lbs)
16 Rep 20 Kg (40 Lbs)
Shrugs (Traps)
12 Rep 60 Kg (130 Lbs)
7 Rep 60 Kg (130 Lbs)
After all the expensive supplements I was a little short on cast. But noodles are great.
This is my daily diet for now.
Meal 1 - 2 sandwiches with peanut butter and 1 glas of milk and Creatine
Meal 2 - Egg Noodles, soy, sambal oylek, orange juice mixed with multi vitamin pill
Meal 3 - 2 Scoops of Weight Gainer and 3 dl Milk
Meal 4 - 2 Scoops of Whey protein and creatine (on training day) mixed with 3 dl milk and 2 dl water.
Meal 4 - 2 Scoops of Whey Protein and a small portion of Egg noodles
Meal 5 - Portion of Egg noodles 1 Scoop of Weight Gainer, 2 dl Milk and creatine (on regular days)
Meal 6 - something small, varies
Protein - 182 g
Carbs - 354 g
Fat (mostly unsaturated) - 73 g
Lots of water
19/5 2003
Since monday I have succeeded in losing 2 lbs! Think it has to do with lack of sleep, with all the exams I have only gotten 8 hours of good sleep in three days.
Resting my body and eating as above.
Current Size when starting:
1,77 meters (5,8 feet)
65 Kg (142 lbs) and hardgainer!
75 Kg (165 lbs)
<8% body fat
Optimum Nutrition 100% Whey (vanilla - tastes GREAT!)
Dalblads Nutrition Weight Gainer (vanilla)
Dalblads Nutrition Micronized Pure Creatine
Multivitamin and minerals
Flaxseed oil (haven't got this one yet)
18/5 2005 Leg Day
Just tried new exersices and kept around 10-12 reps to get used to the weight. People at the gym was really nice, met the instructor and we got along real well. In the beginning it was scary going to the gym but now people come up and chat between sets, its like a second family!
Straight-back and Straight-leg Deadlift (hamstrings)
11 Rep 50 Kg (110 lbs)
9 Rep 50 Kg (110 Lbs)
9 Rep 50 Kg (110 Lbs)
7 Rep 50 Kg (110 Lbs)
Squats (quadriceps)
12 Rep 50 Kg (110 Lbs)
11 Rep 60 Kg (130 Lbs)
9 Rep 60 Kg (130 Lbs)
7 Rep 60 Kg (130 Lbs)
Standing Calves Raise (Back Calves)
15 Rep 50 Kg (110 Lbs)
12 Rep 55 Kg (120 Lbs)
11 Rep 60 Kg (130 Lbs)
9 Rep 65 Kg (140 Lbs)
Seated Reverse Calf Rise (Front Calves)
20 Rep 20 Kg (40 Lbs)
16 Rep 20 Kg (40 Lbs)
Shrugs (Traps)
12 Rep 60 Kg (130 Lbs)
7 Rep 60 Kg (130 Lbs)
After all the expensive supplements I was a little short on cast. But noodles are great.
Meal 1 - 2 sandwiches with peanut butter and 1 glas of milk and Creatine
Meal 2 - Egg Noodles, soy, sambal oylek, orange juice mixed with multi vitamin pill
Meal 3 - 2 Scoops of Weight Gainer and 3 dl Milk
Meal 4 - 2 Scoops of Whey protein and creatine (on training day) mixed with 3 dl milk and 2 dl water.
Meal 4 - 2 Scoops of Whey Protein and a small portion of Egg noodles
Meal 5 - Portion of Egg noodles 1 Scoop of Weight Gainer, 2 dl Milk and creatine (on regular days)
Meal 6 - something small, varies
Protein - 182 g
Carbs - 354 g
Fat (mostly unsaturated) - 73 g
Lots of water
19/5 2003
Since monday I have succeeded in losing 2 lbs! Think it has to do with lack of sleep, with all the exams I have only gotten 8 hours of good sleep in three days.
Resting my body and eating as above.