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Lifeforce Weightlifting Journal


Master Don Juan
Jan 5, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by Lifeforce
Standing with dumbells are great, you become the center of attention ;) I feel very DJ doing it.

Too bad about the forearms, do you do wrist curls and train them properly?

Nice pics by the way, like your back... and the freaky bicep :D, you inspired mee to take some too, They are kind of big, 1 meg each, so if you have MSN I'll gladly send them to you.

I don't use ab machines, I attach my legs to a cable doing this:

It is a killer for the abs! Incline weighted crunches I do too. :)
sweet, i'll have to try standing about with the dbs or even just heavy stuff when i'm at home ;)

i've tried wrist curls but they hurt more than i think they should. weak wrists? i think my wrist circumference is the smallest on the planet. i think i might have damaged them actually recently. they might heal this week, which is my resting week.

cheers, my back's always been good cuz of golf and that bicep pic was taken when the camera was moving :), although its peak is still too high normally. my msn isn't working. i'll pm you if i'm on

that cable ex for abs looks sweet. can't wait to get back to a proper gym so i can really work those lower abs.

BEN, sounds painful man. anyway, i heard some sports scientists on tv saying that if you imagine doing the exercises, your body will respond and give you some results as if you were doing that exercise for real. you only get a % of the results they said, but it's still better than nothing.

you're right about those hammer curls i think ben. i've already started doing them cuz they're good for forearms too


Master Don Juan
Nov 8, 2003
Reaction score
Hey, I ordered some more supplements. 6 kg of pure, wonderful 90% protein WHEY Isolate... 3 kg of strawberry and 3 of chocolate... I am soo sick of ONs vanilla...

Some L-glutamine for growth and CLA for when I become cut worthy.

Have some pain in my back and have had it for a while... seems I lifted too much in the deadlift and squats, even though I had a straight back... Man, I have to go on without those exercises for a week or two... Seems like everyone who write in this thread go get themselves hurt.


It shouldn't hurt, just burn. Try lighter weight and keep around 8-12 rep range when you are healed again. How much is the circumference of your wrist?

So it was moving you had me worry there a while... the bicep kind of reminden me of the movie Alien. ;)


Master Don Juan
Nov 8, 2003
Reaction score
BEN: I just ordered it because DIESEL said so in his post... I'll see if it is any good. Maybe it is a waste of money...


Ohh man this day really sucked, I had a party two days earlier and drank alot... yes I know it was stupid as hell, my arms were alot weaker than before and I lost 5 pounds in just one day... now I'm back at 154 lbs...

Bench 6x60 kg 132 lbs
Bench 3x62.5 kg 137.5 lbs
Bench 6x57.5 kg 126.5

Incline Bench 2x55 121
incline bench 4x50 110

8 Dips
9 Dips
6 Dips

Military Press 5x32.5 71.5
Military Press 5x32.5 71.5
Military Press 5x32.5 71.5

upright row 6x27.5 kg 60 lbs
upright row 5x27.5 kg 60 lbs

Arnold Press 6x13.6 30 lbs

Shrugs 8x70
Shrugs 7x60

Wrist Curl 11x30 66
Wrist Curl 9x30 66
Wrist Curl 5x30 66


Master Don Juan
Jan 5, 2004
Reaction score
hey lifeforce, that weight loss is probably due to the water lost. probably the strength too, unless you've got a sexual disease ;)

how much do you think you can do those forearms exercises(holding the barbells)? i was thinking about twice a week, otherwise it would be overtraining them. what do you think?


Master Don Juan
Nov 8, 2003
Reaction score
ohhe yea.. probably, but I went hungry and only ate beer and alot of vodka and absinth for over 15 hours. :/

I do the wrist curls 1.5 times a week, every other day I train, or at least, that's the ideal. Probably safe to do them twice a week as diesel says.


Master Don Juan
Jun 6, 2004
Reaction score
Mansfield, Notts
Straight bar curls, shrugs and deads [if you're not using straps... semag... ;)] usually do mine fine. I'll do them once every three weeks if I really feel the need.

Why kill two birds with two stones, if you can kill two birds in one stone :)


If you have the money spare then I guess it *is* worth the investment, but hey... I've not been at work much recently :p


Master Don Juan
Nov 8, 2003
Reaction score
I know what you mean ben. :D

Todays training.

Bent over row 11x45 kg
Bent over row 12x45 kg
Bent over row 9x45 kg

Bicep Curl 6x30 kg
Bicep Curl 4x30 kg
Bicep Curl 4x30 kg

Hammer Curl 8x11 kg
Hammer Curl 6x11 kg

Skull crushers 9x25 kg
Skull crushers 7x27.5 kg
Skull crushers 5x27.5 kg
Skull crushers 3x30 kg

Dips 9x5 kg
Dips 7x5 kg
Dips 6x5 kg

abs with Leg attached to machine 7x10 kg

Took it very easy today, I think my back is OK and ready for a little more heavy training.


Master Don Juan
Nov 8, 2003
Reaction score
My body seem ok with it. Actually I take in about 180 g protein per day. That's 1.3 g per lbs in lean weight. I experience this being enough for me to grow. I really can't afford hoarding protein every day.


Master Don Juan
Nov 8, 2003
Reaction score
If anyone wonder why I haven't posted my workouts here it is because I have taken a week of to heal. It is wonderful to feel strong again after some really annoying injuries. Especially in my traps and my lower back. this wednesday I will be starting to work out again, I feel SOOO strong and I am confident I will blow through every personal best I have!

To be honest with you, I must admit I have cheated on my diet a little, having a night out, eating some candy and drinking soda. I don't feel bad about it, everyone need to break the rules sometimes.

Today I thought about how much weight training has changed my life, I feel full of energy, stronger sex drive and I am just happier and in tune with my life. Feeling really good has also transformed my game, I don't care what I do anymore, when I have fun and follow what I feel it usually ends up pretty well. The effects of training is stronger and deeper than any technique you can learn about seduction or womanizing! It help you transform your entire life.

I'll post my workout on wednesday.


Master Don Juan
Jun 6, 2004
Reaction score
Mansfield, Notts
Awesome :)

I've let the training and diet go down the pan a bit - the diet isnt super strict anymore. Truth is, I'm only losing tiny amounts of muscle and I'm not gaining any fat. I still look good.

Injuries are part of the game :) I've got used to it, and the only bad point about taking a week or two out is that sometimes you cant be bothered to stop drinking the soda/coffee and stop eating that extra sweet thing after dinner every other night :p

Good luck with keeping on with the training - I start mine again in a week and a halfs time :D I'm signing up to a different gym, uni is starting, and I'm gonna be getting a new job. it's all awesome :D

Keep us posted! I'd wondered where ya got to :)


Master Don Juan
Nov 8, 2003
Reaction score
hahaa... that's great ben, you enjoy a week of being real lazy and unhealthy. :D

What is uni?

Thanks man and speaking of diet, I have changed mine:

Meal 1

1 plate of oatmeal porridge + two spoons of flax seeds
2 scoops of whey in four dl milk
1 multivitamin pill

Meal 2

3 eggs (1 whole egg and two egg whites)
4 slices of bread (dark) with butter
1 glass of orange juice

Meal 3

1.5 dl rice
some sallad <--- yes it's true!

Meal 5

It varies alot.

Meal 6

Usually something simple, like yogurt and peanut butter on slices of bread or something.

Meal 7

2 scoops of whey in four dl milk

Add 2 scoops more of whey on training day with 4 dl milk.

It feels ok with this diet. gives like 200 g protein.
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Master Don Juan
Jun 6, 2004
Reaction score
Mansfield, Notts
Not too bad - but make sure you get more real food in there. You're getting a lot of your protein from whey - try to get some meat in there. I now quite like cottage cheese - thats where a lot of my protein is coming from at the moment.

6 scoops of whey per day? no *ahem* whey :p :) Get some tuna in there, get some low fat cottage cheese in there, get some chicken in there - it's all good. You'll also get less bored with your diet, with more variety :)

Other than that, it looks fairly solid. :)

Us brits go to school until we're 16, then we go to college until 18, and from there we go to uni - degree courses etc :)


Master Don Juan
Nov 8, 2003
Reaction score
Problem is I hate tuna and cottage cheese. I eat some chicken at meal 5 often or some other meat. I'll add the chicken to the rice and sallad too. A little more meat at least. I'll add more eggs, like 6 eggs a day or something. 1 whole egg and 5 egg whites.

The brand I am using recommend 9 scoops of whey! :eek: That's pretty ****ed up! :D

Anyway's thanks for the feedback.

I started soft today, did an all around workout to get ready, just a couple of sets on each.

10+ 45 kg squat in extreme tempo
4+ 75 kg squat
4+ 70 kg stiff leg deads
4+ 87 kg standing calves raise
4+ 100 kg standing calves raise
4+ 55 kg bench

Tried to max my deadlift:

1 rep 90 kg deadlift
1 rep 100 kg deadlift

Didn't reach my top because lack of time and that I maxed at the end of the workout. 100 kg I feel is kind of good for me. :)

Btw: Thank you for explaining the uni thing. :)
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Master Don Juan
Jan 5, 2004
Reaction score
hey guys, how you doin?

lifeforce, you eat like an animal! how the hell can you eat porridge + 2scoops whey in the morning. i could only ever manage one scoop plus it filled me up so much, so i decided it was better to split it into two meals. i used to do 6scoops whey a day. i ended up taking supershyts and i felt it was too expensive to keep up.

that max deadlift is looking good. the most i can max at the moment is 30kg...why? because some dyck came into the shytty little gym of mine and told the guy "these are my weights, i want them back now" and ran off with the barbell and the heavy discs :mad: anyway, i'm going to uni (heh) same as djben in a couple of weeks so i'm sorted with a good gym there.

btw, are those standing calf raises with the bb on your shoulder?

ben, you recovered from that injury yet? i got injured three times in one week. shoulder injury (from clean and jerk), hamstring pull from football and i nearly took my eye out with the spoke of my whirley gig (i dunno if that's scottish or not; it's my washing line). i'm the same with eating. hardly any fat getting put on and no weight lost. blasted my abs today after watching brad pitt in fight club. i'm determined to work them hard cuz i think i've got a similar shape to his


Master Don Juan
Nov 8, 2003
Reaction score
It's great! You it was a while ago we heard from you.

What an *******, you should have used your new muscles and grabbed him by the trousers and throwed him into the garbage can. ;) That's too bad you found a gym, I was looking forward to you being the only one on the planet doing squats with a friggin refrigerator on the back :p

Thanks, I was soo happy to finally crack 100 kg marker! calves raise I do in a machine, tried to barbell but it didn't feel too good. But when I max the machine out I have no choice but to bb.

That's definitly scottish, tough luck. :/ On the bright side they don't have any washing lines in the gyms at uni :) But if you really, really want that take a trip to norway.


Master Don Juan
Jun 6, 2004
Reaction score
Mansfield, Notts
Heh - funny you should mention if I've started training again, I got really pissed off last night at 1AM and did a crazy amount of barbell curls and close grip bench presses. It felt so good to feel my muscles almost ripping out of my skin again :D

I'm feeling alright now, and the illness I had is almost gone. I have a 1 week holiday, which I'll use to end my cutting phase, then I'll be hitting the weights - hopefully in a new gym :)

*looks at his calculations for his next bulking phase* at the height of my bulking phase, I'll probably be taking in atleast 400 carbs, 200 protein and 120 fat.... thats gonna be insane :eek:

btw, I thought I was the only one in England to use the term whirley gig :p


Master Don Juan
Nov 8, 2003
Reaction score
Good to see you are getting better ben. Nice bulk btw :D

Speaking of illness, I have gotten a cold and at this moment I hav dropped 3 lbs, just as I broke through my plateau at 156 lbs I got back to 155. :/ At this moment I have missed two workouts.


Master Don Juan
Nov 8, 2003
Reaction score
bb Bench: 6x50kg 110 lbs
bb bench: 4x55kg 122 lbs
bb bench: 4x55kg 122 lbs

Db bench: 7x18.? 40 lbs (each)
Db bench: 6x18.? 40 lbs (each)
Db bench: 5x21. 47 lbs (each)

2 set of Dips w/o weights leaning forward

Shrugs 6x70 kg 154 lbs
Shrugs 6x75 kg 165 lbs
Shrugs 6x75 kg 165 lbs

Military Press 7x32.5 kg 70 lbs
Military Press 6x32.5 kg 70 lbs
Military Press 4x32.5 kg 70 lbs

1 set of arnold Press, don't remember rep range

Had to break the workout since I didn't feel too good when I worked out but I am back at least. Believe it or not but I think the weight I lost was mostly fat, I look more ripped in the mirror, had to do with eating tons when I was sick. But I noticed the weights seemed heavier than usual.

Yes, one more thing, I have figured out why I had such poor development on the delts... when I first did military presses I miscalculated the weight by 5 kg, so when I thought it was 30 kg, it actually was 25. But now I have changed the weights I use.


Master Don Juan
Nov 8, 2003
Reaction score
Deadlift: 6x80 kg (175 lbs)
Deadlift: 4x80 kg (175 lbs)
Deadlift: 1x100 kg (220 lbs)

Hammer Curls: 9x11 kg (25 lbs)
Hammer Curls: 6x11 kg (25 lbs)
Hammer Curls: 5x11 kg (25 lbs)

6 Chin ups
6 Chin ups
5 Chin ups

4 Pull ups
6 Pull ups

Bent over Row 6x40 kg (90 lbs)
[Gym closed!] <--- It closed an hour earlier than i thought! :/

It feels like everything has gone wrong now for a while, on wednesday I think I will be back to normal again and resume normal workout.

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