Search results

  1. N

    We DJS need...

    A sex forum is a good idea... A LTR forum might work... I still dislike the idea of a Master's forum though, I see no real reason for it.
  2. N

    Joke zone

    A pirate walks into a bar with a steering wheel caught in his fly. The bartender looks at him and says "You have a wheel in your fly, bud". The pirate responds "ARRR!!! It be drivin' me nuts!" Comedy gold. There used to be a humor forum. It became the Bars + Clubs forum. Which became the high...
  3. N

    Requesting a Ban on Disoneguy

    Until, of course, the government became totally corrupt and unable to accomplish anything as Sparta was seiging them.
  4. N

    what happened to this site

    That is all.
  5. N

    what happened to this site

    Syncmaster posted a few days ago in the main discussion forum. Cablelight's gone though.
  6. N

    SEARCH feature is WORKING AGAIN. How come? :-)

    I personally think it's evolved into a sentient life form and chooses when it wants to work or not.
  7. N

    new suggestion

    That takes much more effort then it's worth. I challenge you to informal make this quiz and post it on the board.
  8. N

    How about an Advanced DJing forum?

    Are you proposing that everything listed under a section is a seperate forum? Or that there will only be 4 main forums? I'll respond to both anyway. For the former, too many forums means that a large portion of the specialized ones will just be ignored, much like the old bartending forum, and...
  9. N

    How about an Advanced DJing forum?

    Ok, having been here for a while, and having read most of the posts in the thread (skipped the flameing), here's what I think. The first thing that Allan can do to improve the forums is simply upgrade. Not a big deal, and he's probably planning it anyway. The second thing deals with the...
  10. N

    Exclusive Master DJ forum requested

    No. This idea is idiotic. While something does need to be done about the newbies, this is not the way. I'm not entirely sure about how Allan makes money, but if he does want to limit forum members he could simply close registration. That way they could still view the forum, but not post. He...
  11. N

    About the Master DJ title...

    I totally agree with you. I mean, I rarely give advice although I've been here for at least 2 years simply because I think there are people much more qualified to do so. However, I'm really beginning to get pissed at people who give insanely bad advice, yet get listened to because of the...
  12. N

    About the Master DJ title...

    This might not be the most important suggestion in the world, but I'm wondering if the "Master Don Juan" title can be rewarded to people who have been here for a set amount of time (6 months or a year?) instead of the post count thing we have going on now. It would be a lot more accurate and...
  13. N

    We should get rid of useless feature.

    Does it really matter? I mean, it's not that hard to express yourself without those words.
  14. N

    assign a point system to posts

    I rate this idea a 0. Honestly, just let others decided whether a response is decent or not.
  15. N

    How to get married whit your girl!!!How the jerk do it!!!! The best Anti-dumb tip!!

    Uhm, you don't make any sense. Please stop posting, as all your posts suck horribly. [This message has been edited by NeXuS (edited 10-29-2001).] [This message has been edited by NeXuS (edited 10-29-2001).]
  16. N

    How to get married whit your girl!!!How the jerk do it!!!! The best Anti-dumb tip!!

    Right, how bout you go try that with the "professional" you were talking about.