About the Master DJ title...


Senior Don Juan
Mar 19, 2001
Reaction score
This might not be the most important suggestion in the world, but I'm wondering if the "Master Don Juan" title can be rewarded to people who have been here for a set amount of time (6 months or a year?) instead of the post count thing we have going on now.

It would be a lot more accurate and make sure that the people who post about 10 times a day don't get that title and end up having their bad advice listened too.

De La Soul

Master Don Juan
Mar 4, 2002
Reaction score
It's a badly-kept secret.
I brought this up once but got torn apart by people telling me that nobody takes any notice of the Master Don Juan title. In my opinion they do. But........

My take on this is that it still doesn't give an accurate representation of who is a "Master". For example, you could sign up a year ago and forget about the site and then come back *pow* you're a master.

The only true way to judge who are the masters is to read the QUALITY of posts. Not how many you have made, not how long you have been registered for.

Just like a ball player isn't inducted into the Hall of Fame if they've been playing for a long time, or have played a lot of games (they will get recognition but not Hall of Fame recognition).

Also, a lot of people think before they tell others HOW TO think. i.e. A lot of people (LIKE ME) have studied the boards and the bible for a long time (over a year) before they came onto the message boards and started posting away on how others should DJ.

Basically, both methods are unfair, but there is no point in changing from one inaccurate way, to another inaccurate way.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 19, 2001
Reaction score
Originally posted by De La Soul:
A bunch of stuff
I totally agree with you. I mean, I rarely give advice although I've been here for at least 2 years simply because I think there are people much more qualified to do so.

However, I'm really beginning to get pissed at people who give insanely bad advice, yet get listened to because of the idiotic title.

In any case, it doesn't matter to me much since I've learned my stuff and that's essentially all I care about. I would like to see newbies who come here be able to distinguish garbage from gold more easily though.


Don Juan
Feb 1, 2002
Reaction score
Stuttgart, Germany
MAn, you took the time to read, and learn.

That is the way it SHOULD be....

why should it be made easier for the newbies?

They have to dive in, see what is good and bad, and make their own decisions for themselves what is good and what is bad, and what applies to their own situations.

Alan, get rid of the damn names, everyone should be equal here, unless they prove themselves. They would be found out in time.

Maybe the initial idea was good, to make it simpler to find good stuff.

But you can write a damn good informative post, maybe even just 10, you will then be known as good, even though the Master title wasnt given.

we are all equal here, but there are some people here who have more experience and have similar circumstances. yet there are some people who have alot of experience who contribute stuff that not worth anything.

If you do not control the way how you think, someone else will!
(my view on life, and finally found it in words in one of Pooks posts)

Ich bin vielleicht nicht der Beste, aber ich bin doch besser als die Reste
I am maybe not the best, but I am better than the rest!

If you cant think for yourself, and let others think for you, you deserve what happens to you.


Master Don Juan
Jan 18, 2002
Reaction score
we had a thread about this not too long ago.

I got the impression that the current software doesn't really support a "better" way to give out the title. the best solution was to up the number of posts that are required.

Obviously we can't expect new software anytime soon. Not sure why the number of posts was never "upped". Anyone?

"There are no such things as mixed signals when it comes to women, there is reality and what the guy wants to be reality." - Don Phenom