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  1. I

    So I got this 25 year old friend who's a virgin

    Yawn. I'm simply way too lazy to bother feeding your delusional ego Luke. Keep being a loser virgin, living with your mom until you're 50 for all i care. You're simply boring to me now.
  2. I

    Girlfriend is friends with another guy. Shlts me.

    Well lordson, so how many guys did your gf cheat on you yet? 2-3, or 4-9? Dont worry man, we're non judgemental about this. It's just that it would make a great story for a pornsite imo.
  3. I

    Renewed goals for this sector - aspiring DJ.

    Not everyone has common sense
  4. I

    RSD Instructor Blown out

    You know what, i would've agree with you except i've met mystery in real life and saw him game the entire room. Hb9s left and right were approaching him hugging him. His gf at the time is also a 9 and she was there. Currently, mystery has more credibility to me than rsd.
  5. I

    RSD Instructor Blown out

    I downloaded the flawless natural dvd from tim FOR FREE and all i saw was him making out with a fat chick. Sorry man, but rsd needs to release some REAL pickup videos
  6. I

    This site has the most amount of afc

    I would've address the post by wolf if it actually make sense and arent a complete gibblish. I felt myself losing 50 points of IQ reading that. "Suuure you did. (refer back to my denial point). What about your other posts? Let go of the anger and frustration. Embrace change." You're...
  7. I

    RSD Instructor Blown out

    One thing fishy about rsd is that they completely refuse to release any infield videos of themselves.
  8. I

    This site has the most amount of afc

    Heh heh, is that so? Half the reason i started this thread because of the entertainment value from it.
  9. I

    This site has the most amount of afc

    ok, i can understand that. However, what i do not understand is that afc will absolutely not admit they're afc. Look at the thread "gf is not having sex with me, or gf going out with her guy friend". Those afc will not accept the obvious advices the forum people giving them. Then there's...
  10. I

    This site has the most amount of afc

    sure 2.0 nerd. What's your next name? 2.11?
  11. I

    Women didn't want a relatonship with me- can I date her friend?

    Madelyn have zero interest in you so the only problem right now is wether sue is interested. Go for either work or it doesnt.
  12. I

    This site has the most amount of afc

    I've seen in the community. I mean not all of you are afc of course. But this is the only site i've seen: -Tons of guys making excuses for their cheating gf -Respecting 32 year old virgin living with his mom. Of course half of you guys flame the **** out of the above, but i am appallled...
  13. I

    So I got this 25 year old friend who's a virgin

    Ok, fine. If luke and you are happy living with your mom, and dont like sex, then WHY are you in this forum. More important, do NOT give advice to people who are ASKING how to get laid. It's like a homeless beggar giving advice on a business owner how to run a business. A business...
  14. I

    So I got this 25 year old friend who's a virgin

    You know, i could continue challenging your point, but it has so much humor in it i'll let other people do it. IT's really easy. However, i do have to say. You have a controlling mother. She basically dictates on who you should date and have sex with. Also, here's something we can agree...
  15. I

    So I got this 25 year old friend who's a virgin

    You cannot compare it like that luke. That guy might be successful with women despite living at home with his mom(which IS a disadvantage), he has other advantages: -Chances are, he is better looking than you -Way* better social skills -Does not have madonna/***** complex about sex and all...
  16. I

    So I got this 25 year old friend who's a virgin

    So in other word, we're suspose to trust that you have ANY level of success in your life despite being a 32 years old virgin, living at home with your mom. And you also think that sex is dirty, evil and tries to cite the bible against any form of sex in this forum on pickup artist who...
  17. I

    So I got this 25 year old friend who's a virgin

    Luke is pretty good at ignoring points made by allergory, such as if he's a successful real estate agent, why is he living with his mom. However, me and the rest of the members of this forum NOTICE that douchbag.
  18. I

    So I got this 25 year old friend who's a virgin

    Luke skywalker is a funny funny man. Instead of actually going out and losing his virginity, he wanted to be a "hero" of by "giving other people a whopping ass beating ON A MESSAGE BOARD". However, here's the reality luke, except for you, everyone else here thinks you're a...
  19. I

    Girlfriend is friends with another guy. Shlts me.

    I predict one day, lordson will be raising other men's children lol. Complete afc chode at home, raising the kid while wify out getting **** by other men. Then she comes home with a belly full of other men's seed. Then once a month, if he pleases her enough, she'll let him **** her while she...
  20. I

    So I got this 25 year old friend who's a virgin

    I wont say I am at mystery level or my game is at epic proportion, however, i have enough dedication to do thousands of approaches and get laid quite a few times. Also, I dont have the kind of bull**** limiting belief that luke skywalker have, being a 32 year old virgin AND at the same time...