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  1. I

    Girlfriend is friends with another guy. Shlts me.

    The problem is that her **** buddy does it behind his back, which isnt as funny. Now what i would've done is **** her, video tape it, and post in this thread as a warning to all afc. Also as an award prize to lordson as the biggest fricking afc in sosuave right next to luke skywalker.
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    Girlfriend is friends with another guy. Shlts me.

    I think you should introduce me to your girl friend lordson. I'll **** her for you.
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    Girlfriend is friends with another guy. Shlts me.

    Seriously, stop ****ing overanalyzing, grab some balls and DO something about it. Here are the options: 1. Dump her 2. Ask to go to the party with her and hangout with her guy friend. Lay down the law and dont let her refuse you. **** man, a female friends tries to start drama with me...
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    So I got this 25 year old friend who's a virgin

    HOOOOOOOOOOOLLLLLLLLLLLLLLYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY SSSSSSSHHHHHHHHHHHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIITTTTTTTTTTTTT. Luke skywalker endorse Fleshlight!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm rolling on the floor laughing. OMFG!!!!!! Seriously, the mods need to stop him from giving advices.
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    So I got this 25 year old friend who's a virgin

    **** man, this is what separate men and boys. When I first join the community, i did admit i was a social failure. So i ****ing try EVERYTHING and i mean everything. I went out hit on girls even when i felt extreme pain from social and approach anxiety. The first girl i approach direct, i...
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    Want to have sex with friend but not really attracted

    Casually invite her to hangout at your apartment/house then escalate. It's not that hard.
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    How do I keep women from falling in love with me?

    This is actually a good post. So many guys in the community can get the girl but cant keep them. I had girls fall in love with me in the past so i have little problem keeping a girl if i really want to. Here are the traits you need to keep the girl imo: -Really have some value that help...
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    So I got this 25 year old friend who's a virgin

    Jesus, i say ban luke skywalker or at least give him a title of "afc noobtard". With the amount of social conditioning programing he has, he have ABSOLUTELY ZERO credibility to be giving pickup advice. I mean ZEEEERRRRROOOO!!! I mean for christ shake, he has over 2,000 posts. Which mean he...
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    So I got this 25 year old friend who's a virgin

    Luke Skywalker is buried under so much social conditioning bull**** that i think he'll be LUCKY if he becomes a 40 year old virgin. I have a feeling he'll be a FIFTY YEAR OLD virgin or hell, even die a virgin. Seriously luke, get a job, become successful AND take a bootcamp. You needed it.
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    So I got this 25 year old friend who's a virgin

    Basically, I ask him, how come he doesnt go out, talk to girls and get laid. here's the laundry list of his excuses: -He's too pure for it -Most girls arent pretty enough for him, because he watch too much porn, and gets too picky. -he gets bored with girls easily -He could've get laid a...
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    Why can't I get hotter chicks?

    Getting laid = being an animal? ROFLAHAHAHAHAHA. This is the EXACT reason why luke needs to shut the hell up about giving advice. You know what's the number 1 issue you face as a virgin? Sexual anxiety. Sexual anxiety can destroy your imaginary game faster than you can blink and it will...
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    Why can't I get hotter chicks?

    What about you getting a girl? The original poster was asking if his look is good enough that he could run his ****ty game and still get laid with 9s. We simply tell him that the reality is that it is not good enough. He could still easily get 9 with his look from SOLID game.
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    Why can't I get hotter chicks?

    Wtf dude. Until you DID get laid, you're still a virgin dewb. It's reality. This is like saying some dumb nerd saying he has just as much computer skill as bill gate and could've become just as rich as bill gate. Total bull****. Like i said, i read a few of your previous posts and you...
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    Why can't I get hotter chicks?

    Here's my dead honest advice. You're a pretty decent looking guy. Unfortunately, you're NOT good looking enough to get chicks just by look alone. You want to know what kind of look is good enough for that? This: Now most girl would prob consider...
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    Girlfriend is friends with another guy. Shlts me.

    We should just give up on this fool. Lordson is a coward and not a man. No amount of advice will help him.
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    Girl I am seeing...HELP

    Another way is to get a bunch of female friends and hangout with them. Flip the script back at her. She'll get jealous and want to know what the hell you're doing with your female friends.
  17. I

    Girlfriend is friends with another guy. Shlts me.

    This forum in all honesty have some of the biggest ****ing chump i've ever seen in my life. The sad part is, lordson is NOT the only guy making post like this. Trust me, coming from my experience with female, i KNOW for a fact of a girl did this to her bf. You know what she does on...
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    This girl is either trying to flatter me or...

    You read too much into it. Just flirt back with her.
  19. I

    Why can't I get hotter chicks?

    If you're 32 AND still a virgin, then you need to shut the **** up and go out and get laid. Stop giving advice.