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  1. W

    3rd date with hb 10 on Monday (Picnic date) Its make or break time

    haha, I'll be back next week, maybe sooner, maybe later. Yeah, good idea, let me go ask her if she's fuccking some guy, more great advice. Don't be so damn sensitive.
  2. W

    3rd date with hb 10 on Monday (Picnic date) Its make or break time

    It was the best date of my life. It was damn near perfect. My game was tight, I looked good, I had my arm around her while we were walking, and it wasn't awkward at all. We had great conversation. She smiled tons. I got the kiss close. The girl is crazy about me as of now. I'm sky high right...
  3. W

    3rd date with hb 10 on Monday (Picnic date) Its make or break time

    I've gotten to know this girl pretty well guys, we just havn't been physical yet. I've been talking to her for almost 3 weeks, its not like a first date, not at all. We're not gonna be sitting on a blanket the entire date, we'l be walking around, which should offer some kino opportunity. I think...
  4. W

    3rd date with hb 10 on Monday (Picnic date) Its make or break time

    I'm about to go on my 3rd date with this girl who I would consider a 10. The first two dates went o.k, the conversation was good, we had fun, but I didn't escalate sexually. I still havn't kissed her. I figured a picnic would give me the best opportunity to move this into the right direction...
  5. W

    looking for some kind of kino guidelines for a girl you just started dating. HELP!

    Could somebody give some examples or "reasons" to touch a girl on her leg/arm/shoulder while sitting next to her, like on a couch with other people around? I know it sounds stupid, but I'm kinda clueless. Also, when walking with a girl, like, say through a lobby, is it more natural/less awkward...
  6. W

    looking for some kind of kino guidelines for a girl you just started dating. HELP!

    Is there like an order in which sexual kino usually occurs? Like, first a hug, then a hand hold, then arm around back, etc.? Ive built up quite a bit of rapport with this girl I met 2 weeks ago, and as far as I can tell, she really likes me. She's very proper, like she won't ask me out, or tell...
  7. W

    I offered mini golf, she countered with a movie (hb 10) I have no experience w/ women

    question about the hand hold.. at what point should I attempt it, and do I hold it throughout the entire movie? Or would an arm around her be better? Also its a given that I keep the divider between us "up" right? Like I said, I'm a complete rookie to women. I think I have a chance with this...
  8. W

    I offered mini golf, she countered with a movie (hb 10) I have no experience w/ women

    Ok this is our second official date. I'm leaving in 2 hours. Any advice/tips for a movie date are SUPER appreciated. I need to step up the kino, but this girl is a little on the shy side, and I dont want to over do it. I didn't do a whole lot of kino on the first date (bowling date) and I didnt...
  9. W

    Mini golf date, any advice for kino?

    So I have a second date with this girl after I went bowling with her on the first date. I could have used a lot more kino the first time around, but I'm thankful that Ive got a second chance to atone for that poor kino performance. Any seasoned mini golf daters out there? Ive never been on one...
  10. W

    Never dated an Hb 6 now OFFICIALY have the date with the hb 10 (Bowling date) help

    Hell yeah, she just texted ME. At 10:15 p.m no less, asking me how my day went. This is off the hook, I didn't know where I stood with her, but now I do. Keep the tips coming boys! I decided to wait until the next day to contact her, so glad I waited! O.k. I know, don't get ahead of myself, but...
  11. W

    Never dated an Hb 6 now OFFICIALY have the date with the hb 10 (Bowling date) help

    Yeah I would have no problem having a few drinks on a date, but this girl already knows I dont drink, and I dont want to come off as being fake. I actually made a point to tell her that I dont drink, as a "me too" kind of thing, and to be different from all the other guys that were drinking...
  12. W

    Never dated an Hb 6 now OFFICIALY have the date with the hb 10 (Bowling date) help

    Im kinda limited here. She doesn't drink, and I don't either, and she knows this. Taking her to a lounge for "soda".. I just don't think it would work in this situation. Would dinner and/or a movie really be that bad? I kinda prefer it to another action date, as I want a second chance to better...
  13. W

    Never dated an Hb 6 now OFFICIALY have the date with the hb 10 (Bowling date) help

    Thanks Matt, I actually have kinda just developed that mindset since this morning. Its been really stressful and kinda depressing since getting this girls #, and it shouldn't be that way. Ive been so worried about impressing her and making her like me.. I no that I may not be able to always...
  14. W

    Never dated an Hb 6 now OFFICIALY have the date with the hb 10 (Bowling date) help

    She doesn't drink. I was planning on ignoring her completely today, then tommorow evening calling her and asking her out to dinner and maybe a movie on Friday night. Does this sound O.k?
  15. W

    Never dated an Hb 6 now OFFICIALY have the date with the hb 10 (Bowling date) help

    She's perfect to me because she's incredibly nice, she genuinely cares about people, shes fun to be with, (not to scared to get dirty or go on scary rides etc.) She has a good career, makes good money, and is in school, her voice is attractive haha, some people don't have good voices... she has...
  16. W

    Never dated an Hb 6 now OFFICIALY have the date with the hb 10 (Bowling date) help

    UPDATE: Alright guys, I'm back. The date went fairly well, but could have been better. I went in relaxed (thanks to some relaxation techniques I learned on this site) and when I saw her I was surprisingly calm, cool and collected, despite looking at this sexy beast in front of me. I was...
  17. W

    Never dated an Hb 6 now OFFICIALY have the date with the hb 10 (Bowling date) help

    This is just a fresh thread to follow up on my last one about how Ive never dated an hb 6 and now I have a date with an hb 10. So I asked her out to go "cosmic" bowling (largely due to your guys advice) with all the lights and music etc. and she said she'd love to. I was juiced oviously. So...
  18. W

    I have a date with an HB 10, Ive never even dated an hb 6 before.. help

    Ok so here's the deal guys. This past weekend I went camping with my family and I met this AMAZING girl who is everything I look for in a woman. She's a friend of my sisters and a 10 in my eyes, inside and out. We went swimming/tubing and played board games together. We never really got any 1 on...