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  1. S

    How do the UK teens pull girls when out and about Watch this video and you've got an idea. It's exaggerated but you can see what we're getting at
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    How do you handle this on the dance floor?

    I definitely wasn't haha I think I just erased it from my memory. It was probably soem lame attempt at C+F, go figure. Anyway, I think I know what to do now, thanks guys.
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    I have a natural angry face

    Haha I've got this same problem too. People are always telling me to cheer up and I'm fine.
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    How do you handle this on the dance floor?

    I went out last night, trying to have a new focus on fun with... mixed results. So I'm on the dance floor dancing with my friends and there's this girl behind me dancing with some dude. A couple seconds later, I feel somebody pinch my ass. I play it cool and control myself (ala DJing Pook...
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    fighting question

    The shoryuken
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    Self defense or not?

    Quick question, why was race relevant to the story?
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    Some noobish questions

    Thanks for the advice everyone. I'll just have to grab my balls and approach every woman I see!
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    Some noobish questions

    Is it better to approach any woman when trying to get over AA or just any attractive ones? How can I learn to be completely outcome independent? (Last time I thought I had it, I ended the night disappointed when nothing happened) How long should I stay talking to a group of women for? Last...
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    Three items to being a man

    I don't know how to do any of that
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    I just realized I'm super competitive

    Hahaha I thought that was just me lol I'm like that in college - not pay too much attention then get As and Bs in the big tests :)
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    Thread with missions : Increase your success with womens this summer

    I'm definitely in on this one. It sounds like a hoot
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    So how would a DJ respond?

    Basically, back in my more AFC days, I got some girls number and things went like this: I text her, she doesn't text back, I think "oh she must be busy" Then a couple weeks later: I text her, she doesn't text back, I think "oh she must be busy" You get the drift. So I thought "screw...