I just realized I'm super competitive

Desert Fox

Master Don Juan
Feb 16, 2008
Reaction score
Came as a surprise to me...I usually underachieve until the LAST MOMENT and then I'm always really clutch and pull it off.

Makes me wonder how I could accomplish so much more if I just was clutch...ALL THE TIME. You know what I mean?

But I've been looking for a trigger for a long time and I think I found it: competition!

Or better yet...pressure. I guess I am one of those people that when put under pressure just owns the competition.

So my question for you guys is how should I trigger my competitive trigger? I want to keep my self-esteem at a reasonable level so self-deprecation can only go so far to keep me motivated. Maybe I should find a few idols or models to look up to? :)

Da Realist

Master Don Juan
Sep 1, 2005
Reaction score
Memphis, TN
"I just realized I'm super competitive"

No you're not! I am!

Ok, but for real, you have a balance issue. At first you don't care or try, and then you decide to move on something at the last minute. The trick is to forget about winning/losing or passing/failing and just be determined to see what you're doing through to the end. Think about a farmer: he throws seeds out knowing some will grow and others won't for whatever reason. He gets up every morning and tends to his crops for the whole growing season till he harvests whatever he has at the end. It's a slow process, but at the end he gets something in return.


Don Juan
Jun 20, 2008
Reaction score
Hahaha I thought that was just me lol I'm like that in college - not pay too much attention then get As and Bs in the big tests :)

Desert Fox

Master Don Juan
Feb 16, 2008
Reaction score
Da Realist said:
"I just realized I'm super competitive"

No you're not! I am!

Ok, but for real, you have a balance issue. At first you don't care or try, and then you decide to move on something at the last minute. The trick is to forget about winning/losing or passing/failing and just be determined to see what you're doing through to the end. Think about a farmer: he throws seeds out knowing some will grow and others won't for whatever reason. He gets up every morning and tends to his crops for the whole growing season till he harvests whatever he has at the end. It's a slow process, but at the end he gets something in return.
Solid stuff bro. I will try to adopt this mindset.

The context is school (college), work, relationships, etc. EVERYTHING

strong like bull

Senior Don Juan
Nov 5, 2002
Reaction score
what you need to be doing is developing that competitive nature. a few recommendations do develop your abilities:

sports, for competitive teamplay. also physical exercise. pickup basketball games at a local gym/park, would be good.

internally focused physical activities, like hiking/mountain climbing, weight-lifting, etc.

developing your career/business. lets face it, the most driven businessman is usually the most successful. it just pays well to be focused.

being driven is one of the single most important traits a man could have. its ok to be competitive against others, but even greater to be competitive against yourself.
