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  1. D

    Year off from School

    thanks mpimpin it helps to hear that, i think its a smart move and im still young. live free!
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    Year off from School

    I plan on getting a job as a personal trainer or something of the sort in my field of study, and I have no concerns about returning as I love being in school and have come so far. There is no way I wouldn't finish school it isn't an option for me. As for the year off, I would like to pay back...
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    Year off from School

    I hear what you are saying, but the numbers are staggering. Out of state tuition is $27,224 per year, while in state would be $15,250; I have to take out my own loans that gain interest while I'm in school. I have roughly two years left so taking out that much money (only including tuition) at...
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    Year off from School

    Whats up everyone, just looking for some perspective and some fresh looks at something I've been thinking about. I go to a very large school and pay out of state tuition. That being said, I was thinking of taking a year of to get residency in this state. This would save me thousands of...
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    Hey Guys thread got closed heres the update.

    Haha I was a wedding this past weekend and she was supposed to be coming to visit my roomy. I come back in one of the best moods and walk in the door with the biggest smile, took one look at my roommate and knew right away she didn't come. This girl has always flaked, that being said I could...
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    Gained some weightski

    She was really sexy, but I guess she is still cute. I bet it is the thought of her not improving herself since we left eachother that gets to me... it's kinda like here I am, sculpting my body when I was already in really good shape and there she is having a good body and not even caring about...
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    Gained some weightski

    I was involved with a girl who had a really really nice body, however I moved away to school so we couldn't see eachother obviously. I just hung out with her the other day, and I noticed that she had gained a good amount of weight since I last saw her. It may sound shallow, but it is a huuge...
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    Possible flake

    Yea good response mister, however she knows enough about me we've known eachother for a long time and shes been showing very high interest by sending me naked pics on the phone. She seems very frustrated with the fact that I dont talk to her that much; she initiates contact most of the time and...
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    Possible flake

    Whats up guys, I live in New York and we are supposed to get a large storm tomro. I have a date with a girl at night that we planned monday; we had a convo that went like this today (Skipping the bs).. Her: blah blah blah the weather is supposed to be bad tomro Me: yea prolly Her: ok Me...
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    thats great advice thanks guys, i know i want to travel and see as much of the world as i can.. at the moment im in college so that makes it pretty tough. Im going to try living in ocean city, maryland this summer and I bet i could put a lot of what you guys just said to use. Im not happy...
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    I guess a lot of people can just relate, I find it hard to believe no one has experience on this forum in finding out what their dreams are considering that its always mentioned in what us guys need to be doing. Give me some advice men.
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    Hey everyone, I have a question for you all.. I was wondering how you find passion in life; how does someone find out what their dreams are? I've been doing massive amounts of thinking in the past few months, and I know one thing that is for certain... I want to be passionate about my life...
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    "if she cheats with you.. she'll cheat on you"

    be a man and respect other men, if she has a bf then the fvck with her.. if she really wants u she will break up with her bf and if not it is her loss
  14. D

    Ex of 4 years..

    Yeah I've really thought about it in that way.. I think I'm strong enough to handle it and I know it would mess with her head a lot more than mine as I've already decided she will never be in my life other than a hookup. But on the other hand it is a lot easier not having her in my life period...
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    Ex of 4 years..

    Some info: I dated this girl for around four years. It was an up and down relationship to say the least. We broke up in the spring and we havent talked since then. A month or so ago she texted me saying hey, I didnt respond because of the way she left our relationship. She texted me again a...
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    Position Paper

    I just finished a paper this week about end of life issues and euthanasia, the ADHD topic has caught my eye. At first I was going to do cosmetic surgery and whether or not we should have restrictions on it but there was not much information what so ever.
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    Position Paper

    Yeah there is I've had to write two papers on health care and health insurance.
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    Position Paper

    Hey all, I have a paper due in a few days in which I take a position on a health topic and argue that stance. I must have citations from peer reviewed journals. My problem is finding a topic that is easy to research and write about. Has anyone written a paper like this? Could you help me out...
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    We dont get what we deserve in life, we get what we attract.

    Have you guys heard of the law of attraction? It is pretty powerfull stuff I just watched a movie on it called The Secret. Basically it says that we are all made up of energy; our thoughts and feelings create energy waves that attract similar things or whatever it may be that you are...