Gained some weightski

Desert Rose

Don Juan
May 18, 2008
Reaction score
I was involved with a girl who had a really really nice body, however I moved away to school so we couldn't see eachother obviously. I just hung out with her the other day, and I noticed that she had gained a good amount of weight since I last saw her. It may sound shallow, but it is a huuge turn off when a hot girl lets herself go like that. I really dont know what to say to her, I mean telling her she is fat is not a good idea. I would love to see her lose the weight not only for her looks, but for her health. Have you guys been in a similar situation; if so did you say anything? And how would you go about saying it so that it doesn't make you look like an *******!?:confused:


Master Don Juan
Jun 11, 2008
Reaction score
South Dakota
Well, you can tell her that men are shallow and looks matter more for men than women;but, about the only thing women are sure to listen to[when you CAN get your way] is when you say goodbye


Don Juan
Dec 6, 2008
Reaction score
I saw a girl at the store tonight I haven't seen since Highschool. She was 'in love' with me back then... but she was a little chubby so I never gave her a chance.

That's fvcking mean when you say it out loud, but like someone said... Men are jerks. We're visual creatures. Instead of taking a girl who desperately wanted me I kept her at a distance (lol). Nothing fun about breaking hearts.

Long story short she was chubby back in HS but still cute - now she is genuinely fat. Not 'disgustingly obese' but she is no longer just a lil chubby.

It does suck doesn't it? Seeing that **** happen. Instead of improving themselves and looking better it seems females are pre-disposed to going downhill.

It's quite frightening and frankly I am glad we males have stronger bodies, we can exercise hard, lose weight easy... :crackup: Just feel bad for women dude, that's all I can say. Don't judge them and don't worry about it.

If you think the girl is still cute I think you should open your mind a little.

If she is genuinely fat... we all understand your pain :up:


Don Juan
Mar 18, 2004
Reaction score
I often see overweight girls who would probably be smoking if they lost the extra pounds. It's like there's a hot chick in there just waiting to get out...It's a damn shame if you ask me. :cuss:


Master Don Juan
Jan 12, 2008
Reaction score
Metacomet said:
It's quite frightening and frankly I am glad we males have stronger bodies, we can exercise hard, lose weight easy... :crackup: Just feel bad for women dude, that's all I can say. Don't judge them and don't worry about it.
Women can exercise & lose weight just as easily. Don't buy the popular excuses like big boned or medical conditions.

My current GF was a few kilos over when I first knew her, and I thought the same - that if she lost some, she'd be smokin'. I talked to her about my playing sports, dancing, doing martial arts & fitness boot camps & gym work, how it gives me so much energy & feel-good mood. Next thing I knew, she became a gym nut losing those extra kilos (and a few months later we started dating). The message I sent her (covertly) was that I'm a person who's passionate about keeping myself fit & healthy. That is my lifestyle and girls who want to get with me need to share the same. I led, she followed.

Of course that would only work if you're not a fat slob yourself.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 4, 2008
Reaction score
I hate seeing that haha, im like, damn, if she lost some weight, she would be awesome


Don Juan
Dec 6, 2008
Reaction score
Jitterbug said:
Women can exercise & lose weight just as easily. Don't buy the popular excuses like big boned or medical conditions.

My current GF was a few kilos over when I first knew her, and I thought the same.
Whatever you say man.

Women put on weight and keep it to maintain physiology, hormones, etc. It's been scientifically proven that they don't drop weight like men.

They also lack testosterone... they don't have the 'urge' to get **** done. This is a common argument between sexes when it comes to men and women... This is also why it's easier for women to get fat and stay fat. Poor them.

I'm just saying... girls get fat easy. :crackup: Feel sorry for them. Or you could point and laugh, call it a damn shame etc.

By the way I wonder if you guys are thinking about girls who are whales or just chubby.


Master Don Juan
Jan 12, 2008
Reaction score
Metacomet said:
Whatever you say man.

Women put on weight and keep it to maintain physiology, hormones, etc. It's been scientifically proven that they don't drop weight like men.

They also lack testosterone... they don't have the 'urge' to get **** done. This is a common argument between sexes when it comes to men and women... This is also why it's easier for women to get fat and stay fat. Poor them.
All this "scientifically proven" stuff - are they from research funded by organizations with feminist agenda?

Regardless, the "urge" to lose weight doesn't have to come from testosterone. My GF wanted to drop a few kilos so that she would feel hot & confident enough to date me.

There are plenty of examples of women working their butts off in the gym when they want to get on the market and capture the best men, or to keep their current Great Catch.

The fear of losing the Prize is a much bigger urge than testosterone could possibly produce. ;)

Of course there are also women who love working out and eat well and maintain a healthy lifestyle, regardless whether they're single or in a relationship.

I'm just saying... girls get fat easy. :crackup: Feel sorry for them. Or you could point and laugh, call it a damn shame etc.
I have a medical condition at birth that makes me gain weight very easily (and for years I used to be a lard arse). I know what that is like. I have to work out like an energizer rabbit to keep myself in shape. I don't buy excuses.

By the way I wonder if you guys are thinking about girls who are whales or just chubby.
Chubby - as in carrying a few extra kilos that could be fairly easily dropped with a better diet and regular exercise.

I ain't getting anywhere near a landwhale without a harpoon gun!

Desert Rose

Don Juan
May 18, 2008
Reaction score
She was really sexy, but I guess she is still cute. I bet it is the thought of her not improving herself since we left eachother that gets to me... it's kinda like here I am, sculpting my body when I was already in really good shape and there she is having a good body and not even caring about it. Idk I am a very picky guy and at most times I wish I wasn't.