Possible flake

Desert Rose

Don Juan
May 18, 2008
Reaction score
Whats up guys, I live in New York and we are supposed to get a large storm tomro. I have a date with a girl at night that we planned monday; we had a convo that went like this today (Skipping the bs)..

Her: blah blah blah the weather is supposed to be bad tomro
Me: yea prolly
Her: ok
Me: it doesnt matter
Her: why?
Me: i drove all night in that **** last week (just bought a 2003 gmc).. im sayin if you dont feel safe or w/e thats fine but ill be out anyway
Her: k we will see

I didnt respond after that, and we haven't talked since then. I am considering not even getting ahold of her tomro for the simple reason that she flaked out on a concert date with me once already. Idk what are your opinions, and how should respond if she does say its too risky or w.e. The weather excuse is a touchy situation and has brought up a strange situation for me. Give me some pointers guys, thanks in advance.


Master Don Juan
Oct 29, 2008
Reaction score
I'd say, if you're really interested in her, keep going until she makes it clear she's not interested. "Make the ho say no" lol. When things are 'fuzzy' like this, disregard little BS-y complications and trust only the overt signals.
Keep escalating and being your awesome self. Either she'll open up to you and lower her defenses (a thing I think isn't taken into enough account here), or she'll make it clear she's not into you.
I believe they call it confident persistence. "She couldn't have possibly flaked on you cause of YOU. Psh, PLEASE! She's just being a silly girl, so deal with it without letting it affect you for a while - let her make a smart decision rather than not having a chance to come to her senses."

She may also string you along, but it'll be obvious when that times comes. I don't believe you're there yet.

Desert Rose

Don Juan
May 18, 2008
Reaction score
Yea good response mister, however she knows enough about me we've known eachother for a long time and shes been showing very high interest by sending me naked pics on the phone. She seems very frustrated with the fact that I dont talk to her that much; she initiates contact most of the time and I don't say much, but enough. My reaction to tomorrow is gonna be a high test for the type of person I want to be.. I want to make sure I'm laying a base of strength and show I dont ever get pushed around.