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  1. T

    So i noticed alot of guys in clubs look TOO SERIOUS

    Clubbing is all about having fun. When you are having fun people around you are also having fun. I also love dancing. I alway try to smile and look like I am enjoying myself.
  2. T

    You are not the only person in your head.

    Deep posts. What I know is that keeping a strong sense of self identity and frame is important as is maintaining this identity and frame regardless of external factors/people/situations goes along way.
  3. T

    Being Shy Leads 2 Goodbye

    Very valid points. I used to be extroverted when I was younger, then puberty ****ed me up (not to mention balooning to 95 kilos during final years of highschool). Now I am a healthy 75 kilos, work out regularly and am not afraid to speak my mind or become stifled when talking to anybody...
  4. T

    Think you got problems?

    You know what, I was just thinking the same thing the other day.
  5. T

    Talking with an American woman about American women

    There is no point in arguing with stubborn women like that.
  6. T

    A Positive Attitude is the Most Attractive Attitude

    You have captured the true essence of a DJ in one fantastic post. I commend you.
  7. T

    For the college guys who want to meet women

    This totally relates to my situation, great stuff.