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  1. K

    cars and chicks?

    lol good point its not like were gunna be driving his car, i jus suggested the lancer cause its my personal favorite
  2. K

    She Didnt Answer My Phone Call, Now What?

    certainly true, and by doing this shell also think your a loser that has nothing to do yourself as well as making you seem needy ( number one turnoff among women i know )
  3. K

    My Neighbor Dillemma

    um i didnt realize you had to be held to date just one girl, if you can get both GET BOTH son! especially if shes makin those comments and congratrs on losin that weight
  4. K

    cars and chicks?

    mitsubishi lancer 08, its bout 13-15 Gs
  5. K

    after first date

    1. yeah shes kind of a shy girl so she jus gave me her cheek at the end. 2. believe it or not we had a blast at the mini golf course AND at the park, she pretty much was in stitches the whole time, im a pretty funny cat :D .. oh and thats right, my mistake. interest instead of attraction. and...
  6. K

    after first date

    she seemed to have a good but she doesnt seem like a headgame palyer either so if she doesnt get in touch me this week does that she mean shes already made up her mind?
  7. K

    Critique this conversation(yes over-analyzing)

    too boring bro.. if your trying to get closer with this girl throw SOMETHING in there, DHV or CnF SOMETHING haha you were just interviewing the girl really.. but at least your talking to her which is a start my dude!
  8. K

    Clothing Brands

    p.s. brett michaels wears affliction daily, and you see how many chicks he gets lol
  9. K

    Clothing Brands

    i personally like a store in my local mall called Image, it sells things such as Ed Hardy, Affliction, Xtreme Couture, and Famous.. check out Affliction its my personal favorite and its kinda what ur getting at but its a little expensive
  10. K

    after first date

    ok so i hada a first date this mamacita last night, we went mini golfing (lol:D ) and then out to eat and a walk thru the park by ourselves and just sat on a hill and talked for bout an hour or so ( first time alone with her :p ) so first question: did i **** up anything by not trying to kiss...
  11. K

    First Date!

    yo congrats and wear protection
  12. K

    amazing date?

    i met this girl last weekend on a double date and shes hot :up: i liked her style so i got her number and today our text convo went like this: her: hey matty its me! whats up how are ya? me: oh hi me! refresh my memory again, whats your REAL name? her: ASHLEE YOU JERK, duhh who else...
  13. K

    double/blind date?

  14. K

    double/blind date?

    whats up guys havent posted in a while. Anyway I have a double date tonight the situation is my friend knows both of the girls and his "piece" had a friend she wanted one of his friends to meet (me). Sooo basically this is my first time on a blind/double date (iif thats what you'd call it) and...
  15. K

    Want to get big without gym membership

    theres not much a problem with doing what you want, best overall mass builder is the deadlift so if you can somehow get a way to deadlift all you gotta do is that, squat, and pushups with gradually added weight. invest in a product called power blocks (settable dbs that go up to 60-80 lbs.)
  16. K

    Starting Creatine Cycle

    ok the first misconception here is that recent studies show that you dont even need to LOAD with creatine, its always in your body just in small amounts.. if you load 20 grams a day for 5 days (typical loading phase length) youll just piss most of it out, you can only store a certain amount in...
  17. K

    Day vs Night Workouts

    ok well ill put it this way, i used to be skinny as hell so i got on a serious diet and finally gained some weight, but that was from eating ALL day every hour. apparently working out at around 6 pm is awesome because your muscle building hormones are most escalated then, but for me thats too...
  18. K

    approaches at gym?

    works to what? make her feel as awkward as possible?
  19. K

    How Would This Make Me Look?

    well supposedly your not just some guy right? she knows you somewhat and always tries tlaking to you when she sees you so she has some sort of interest in you meaning you should escalate soon..
  20. K

    hookup/old flame/back?

    yeah thanks thats pretty much what i thought of doing as well