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  1. J

    Is a strong character the key to attracting women?

    I agree... Since the beginning of time women ALWAYS went after the strongest males. Once a man has seen life through and through - you automatically possess your masculinity and have cultivated that energy to where it effects how you walk, talk, make gestures, and move throughout a...
  2. J

    Need some good tips about this please

    WASSUP GUYS.... I don't know if you guys peeped this but it is SO subtle, but true never the less. I had a theory about this after seeing the pattern over and over and over. ANYTIME that I'm having a great time with a woman I just met and I can FEEL an emotional connection forming...
  3. J

    Terrified to Escalate

    I am Sam, Hey WASSUP MAN... I like how you're drilling down to the issue versus fronting. Typical guys front and destroy their own potential success. So kudos. ANYWAY I've been where you are and for me it came down to being in my head instead of enjoying the moment and FEELING it...
  4. J

    Conversation Skills (Need advice might be long read)

    Prodigy746, Hey WASSUP MAN. It sounds like you know what you're desired intended outcome is. One component of reaching ANY goal is beginning with the end in mind. I've done it countless times in my own life. I used to have a shyness problem simply because I stumbled over my words and...
  5. J

    "Quality" women are a by-product of Real Men

    Hey Guys....WASSUP I'm kinda new to forums and stuff, but one of the things I'm working on for this year is the computer techie nuances. ANYWAY I'm really digging this debate on the dynamics of men and women. I've been personally observing this since I aquired my first girlfriend...