Is a strong character the key to attracting women?


Senior Don Juan
Jul 26, 2007
Reaction score
Or at least one of the important qualities you need to attract women. By strong character I mean somebody who knows what he want/likes/dislikes etc and won't bow down to the woman and is not afraid of leaving her because he puts himself first.

Its something I'd like to discuss. Bay boys, DJ etc all have it. Some treat women bad some treat women well but they've all strong characters.

Gangster Of Love

Master Don Juan
Dec 27, 2002
Reaction score
Los Angeles
Answers. I am surprised you are not living up to your handle and figured out the 'Answer' to that question yet.

But, yes, if you had to pick one quality, I believe strong character is the #1 key to attracting women.

The Deacon

Senior Don Juan
Dec 26, 2007
Reaction score
If you mean by "strong character" you mean, an internally validated person, you would have one piece of the puzzle.

I've seen insecure losers get girls before too, though. I think you're probably philosophizing a little too much now instead of taking action. The most important thing to get a girl is to take action. Bar none. A girl will settle for a guy that took action instead of the guy that she's more interested in.

Sure, character attracts women, but that doesn't mean you pull them. Attracting and pulling are two different things there, my man. Don't put them as one in the same.


Master Don Juan
Apr 25, 2007
Reaction score
Women want Emotional Strength and Emotional Stability from their Men.
Developing High Character is the key to this.

High Character is also the key to success in all other areas of life.

The notion of Strong Character is more akin to the notion of a Man having conviction in his Identity.
He feels comfortable being himself, even in the face of social pressure.

Johnny Walker

New Member
Jan 28, 2008
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North Carolina
I agree...

Since the beginning of time women ALWAYS went after the strongest males.

Once a man has seen life through and through - you automatically possess
your masculinity and have cultivated that energy to where it effects how
you walk, talk, make gestures, and move throughout a room.

Even when you don't talk - who you are is loud and clear to everyone
around. As you move through the world, your prescence is felt at long
distances ESPECIALLY by sexually "attuned" women.

It's a powerful thing man. Women will just do things for you and
people will treat you like royalty.

"character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through
experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strenthened, vision
cleared, ambition inspired and success achieved"

- Helen Keller

From my own life, since I've mastered my own thought-process in
addition to surviving some of the darkest periods, engaging life
is an enjoyable experience. Once you live like a warrior, it's like
living on a new level. I've came eye to eye with death on a couple

Everything from heated situations with ak-47's to knuckling up while
outnumbered by a mob of cowards, challenging police, dodging bullets
and all kinds of asnine occurences. I'm gratefull that I redirected my
life-style and now after learning those lessons....

After having my own character forged in the fire and tested by life,
I'm an immensely strong individual. It's crazy now when I go out.
I'm cool, relaxed, social and get the treatment of a king.

I've learned through spiritual study and my own life experience that
what you give, you will get back in larger amounts. If you give good
energy, you get it back in various ways.

I've had one woman tell me outta nowhere, " I can FEEL the power ".
I know that women feel their way through life using their bodies as
a compass or something, it's fascinating.

Having a high-level of character is an important factor in a man's
life especially when he comes in contact with moments of truth.
There are many challenges and decisions to make on each of our
own individual journey's. Were all here to exchange info, learn, and
evolve with each other when it comes to socializing and attracting
women. Your character, when cultivated, will give you the strength
to REALLY pursue your passions in life.

So when you speak to women, they will come in direct contact with
that passion and get swept up in it. THEY will pursue you while YOU
simply follow your heart.

I believe that is the natural balance. Without character, there is no
backbone or purpose. You have to stand for something, whether that
be aspirations to be a family man, gang leader, pastor, teacher or
whatever - or you'll fall for anything.

There are too many lost individuals in our culture simply because we
have'nt all been through the Initiation process that develops a boy's
mind-set. Teaching him how to overcome fear, apply courage and
learn to be self-reliant as well as be effective in your role.

With time as he grows into a man, his character is developed along
the way and his intrinsic strength, mind, body and faith grow strong.
The combined byproduct is a super-confidence of sorts. It is the
way of an excellent human-being which effortlessly draws women
into his life with ease.

A warrior like Beowulf. A more realistic example would be like Russel
Crowe, Denzel Washington, Terrance Howard, Jack Nicholson,
Marlon Brando, Steve MQueen, Mel Gibson, Sean Connery and a
couple more (in my opinion).

That's my 2 cents. Cheers.

Johnny Walker


Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2007
Reaction score
Johnny Walker said:
I agree... Your character, when cultivated, will give you the strength to REALLY pursue your passions in life.

So when you speak to women, they will come in direct contact with
that passion and get swept up in it. THEY will pursue you while YOU
simply follow your heart.
bytchin'. And having passion has its own momentum. The more you have that fire the less you're worried about how other people are perceiving you, which is attractive, to all people, not just women.


Don Juan
Feb 10, 2008
Reaction score
Johnny Walker is absolutely correct, when you're the man and you without reservation KNOW you are because "you have been there done that" you will not believe how easy it is to attract and pull women, just your presence will make them drool and not be able to take their eyes off of you. So fear not attack life and you will get there sooner than later.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 26, 2007
Reaction score
Thanks for the replies folks. Good post Johnny walker and I like what interceptor said about of High character.
Gangster Of Love said:
Answers. I am surprised you are not living up to your handle and figured out the 'Answer' to that question yet.

But, yes, if you had to pick one quality, I believe strong character is the #1 key to attracting women.
I though it was but no harm in getting other peoples views. I should have called myself 'need answers'! lol