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  1. S

    Girl agrees to go on a trip with you

    Hmm, lol. Looks like everyone's consensus is that I fail if I don't get to hook up with her first before doing anything else. Yes, you have a point, I actually dread doing things 24 hrs with a person I'm not comfortable with. Risk boring the person. So are all these reserved only when you...
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    Girl agrees to go on a trip with you

    Hmm, mystery taken out by counter offering it with friends? How would you have dealt with her sh$t test? "Don't do any pervy stuff with me O.O " ---> " Can't guarantee that" kind of ****y response? I was being general, like maybe a local short day trip that involves a quick night or two.
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    Girl agrees to go on a trip with you

    Hmm lots of nice response, thanks! But I wanted to respond to this especially. The thing is, I met her online and have seen each other's pic and she's already asking to go with just me but threw the sh@t test at me. The reason why I offered friend was to show her that she can't push me around...
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    Girl agrees to go on a trip with you

    I know this is general but what is your impression if you get something like this? So this girl whose been flirting with me asks if she can go on a trip with me and I agreed to take her along. Then she said "I'll go with you but please don't do any perverted things to me ok? I'm cute so O.O)...
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    Asking a girl out 10 times = success?

    Hmm, interesting responses. I guess the general consensus is no, she will reduce that poor guy to a chump. My guess is when a better man appears, that guy risks being dumped. "shrug" Yet, around me, I see guys who were rejected but the girls suddenly has a change of heart later and before...
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    Asking a girl out 10 times = success?

    Well the info I have is a bit old as in she didn't let him have sex with her before they started dating last week. This was when she let him take her on a trip a few months ago. Now we heard some news that they're officially dating now. So it makes me wonder if his persistence worked or...
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    Asking a girl out 10 times = success?

    This isn't a question about myself but a girl I know was asked out around 10 times by a guy (to become gf). She kept on whining to another friend that he's short, not rich, etc but she caved in at the end. She even went on a trip but wouldn't let him bang her so that friend and I were...
  8. S

    Jealousy card on a girl

    UGH, OMG, my crush just called me a family member. She said we're as close as a family! Should I start a new thread or am I stuck in the friend zone? The F word aggggughghg!!!!
  9. S

    Jealousy card on a girl

    Sadly, I"m being called out for doing this by many people in this forum, (aka I asked her to be a gf by telling her how I felt or theres probably a better way with this). Perhaps, words are unnecessary and all I need to do was kiss her or spank her ass while we walk, whatever... (I live in...
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    Jealousy card on a girl

    So you're all telling me that besides my self esteem problem, the issue is that I lack KINO? Old term or actually try to kiss and be physical.. You guys might call me out here but would it be insufficient if I er try to start it off lighter such as by trying to touch/hold her shoulder while...
  11. S

    Jealousy card on a girl

    I forgot to elaborate a bit. Last night's meeting wasn't a date, it was more of work. This girl is my client too so while working we also chat and stuff. The actual date is this Saturday. Yes, I agree too. I've tried it with her since February, went out with other people, tried not be so...
  12. S

    Jealousy card on a girl

    Ugh, is it? To be honest, I've never done anything like that before besides this. I'm meeting her tonight and this saturday for a date. There are no plans or notice from her to call it off and assuming we still go out, what would be the best way? Just try to have fun and not talk about...
  13. S

    Jealousy card on a girl

    > yuppaz Thanks for the additional advices. See, thats the problem. I think the power games are just a petty way to minimize the emotional risks as much as possible. If I can avoid "NEEDING" her, at least I won't have an emotional breakdown when she plays game with me, etc. If I can...
  14. S

    Jealousy card on a girl

    >yuppaz, PapiChulo Thanks for the insight. Sorry, I didn't notice that Yuppaz was the same author of the previous one. This forum may have people who may see things more in terms of power struggle but you saw it through my story. So this forum is still pretty nice to have people with many...
  15. S

    Jealousy card on a girl

    Yes, it is about self respect. Isn't that what this site is all about? Being respected by not just girls but by guys as well, hence one of the basis of a DJ. Is this all I can do? I'd just preferably want to raise my skill so I can avoid being nullified or be taken for granted by her like...
  16. S

    Jealousy card on a girl

    I forgot to add In response to UniKKatiL's >Seems like she is playing hard to get. And she also mentions guys asking her out, so she is probably used to guys hitting on her. Yup, she's done this BS for awhile so this is the first time I use it back on her subtly and it totally blew up...
  17. S

    Jealousy card on a girl

    Um, sorry, I miswrote the girlfriend part and a lot of people seem to focus on that part. I didn't literally ask her to be my girl friend. I've lurked in this forum for years so I'm very aware of the importance of keeping the ball in my court as well as avoid AFCish behaviors of putting her on...
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    Jealousy card on a girl

    So there is this girl that I like and after having a few good dates, I've asked her to be my gf but been turned down indirectly (she played dumb and pretended not to hear or ignored it.) We still stayed friends and recently she started flirting more by calling me pet names, ask me to be her...
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    In a bind!

    Update: I'm sorry to bother you guys again. I know my problem is trivial but my dad is seriously setting me up for further trouble. He's already calling this girl his future "daughter in law" and they've supposedly been talking to each other. I have no idea whats going on. So the bottomline...
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    In a bind!

    What would you do if your parent and a girl's parent tries to hook you up together? It sounds like no problem if we both like each other but the situation has escalated to the point where my dad goes ahead of himself and tells them BS like I'm willing to marry, date, etc. On the girl's...