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  1. L

    Things I've learned

    Hey guys, It's been years since I came here but I just had some tips that I'd like to share. I think that the nexting advice is thrown around too quick and I feel like this whole PUA thing is actually feminizing guys especially with the 'women should chase me mindset' which is actually...
  2. L

    It seems like my game is falling this

    Wat u said makes sense and I agree 100% with it, but the thing is that a few months b4 the last 3 weeks, I had a lot of success and now it's going down hill... That's why I'm asking all these questions. Thanks 4 opening my eyes though
  3. L

    It seems like my game is falling this

    Hey guys, Let me first giv u a background check. I was pretty social in HS n had friends w/ high social status, which prolly helped me w/ girls back then. I was quite shy, n the gfs I had (no hook ups at the time), were introduced 2 me by friends, but I was still shy, and the girls I ended up...
  4. L

    FR: club............. opinions

    alright guys. I'll do my best 2 not screw it up. i never been w/ an older chic. Any suggestions 4 follow up
  5. L

    FR: club............. opinions

    So I went 2 an 80's party n this is the 1st time I bother 2 make field reports. So I walk in n I spot an hb 7.5 n I just asked if she wanted 2 dance n we started dancing, introduction... She said at 1 pt that she liked my accent. We kept talking, flirting, she introduced me 2 her friends n I...
  6. L

    how 2 let her know u wanna keep things casual

    So how do u let a chic u've been seeing 4 a month know that u wanna keep things strictly business, just sex that's all. Thanx
  7. L

    wtf is she trying 2 do........ Solutions

    Alright Zao I get ur point. All I wanna do is f her. I'll go 4 it, plus since she goes to an all girl school, chances r that she's in a long distance relationship (if she really has a bf)
  8. L

    wtf is she trying 2 do........ Solutions

    For Zao: Obviously she knew wat I wanted from the start cuz after it was a direct approach n she wud have given me the bf card from the start. $ the numbers, I completely agree cuz the numbers got that didnt lead anywhere r countless. However, that might just be a sh1t test so I'll try 2 play...
  9. L

    wtf is she trying 2 do........ Solutions

    Hey guys, I dont really have a prob w/ chics but some things just throw me off sometimes. So I was at a party last time, when I was leaving w/ my boys, I spot this cute girl like hb7. She had a strong sex appeal n I could only picture her naked. So I just walked up 2 her n: -Hey whats up...
  10. L

    Situation w/ F buddy

    SO here's the thing I was going 2 a party this week end near where my f buddy lives. My plan was 2 get other chicks n have fun, so I didnt tell her that I was going there oand she didnt say anything either. So when I got there, I saw 2 of her friends, but I was like w/e she won't show up. 1...
  11. L

    being judgemental

    Hey guys, So during the last 2 weeks, I've f-closed 3 different chix. The best I have done so far. However it seems like when u show the girls that u're not judgemental, they are more likely 2 open up to u. 4 all 3 girls, at some point in the convo, I asked them wat turns them on, and when they...
  12. L

    was this a test

    So friday night I met this hot chic at a party, K-closed, n the next day f-close her. So when we started getting it on, n we were both naked, I said "wait let me get a condom"(which was in my pocket) n she answered "Don't worry about it I'm on birth control". Later on, I asked her if she wanted...
  13. L

    wtf is up w/ this chic

    I feel u guys but it's not like I obsess about her or anything. I got other chix on the side and I have a good social life. I was just wondering how a chic can ask you out and cancel all the time. BTW, she sent me a txt not too long ago saying "I will take u out 2 make up 4 it, and we gonna have...
  14. L

    wtf is up w/ this chic

    Here we go, I met this chic like a month ago, very cute, got her number, we met up later, made out but no f-close yet. She shows interest and all by asking me 2 hang out on week ends. She has asked me 3 times so far, and cancels at the last minute. I talked to her on the phone yesterday, and...
  15. L


    Actually the thread was just about me sharing my recover xperience w/ u guys, and the stalker question came up 2 me while i was writing. For Daygameguy, I dont mind attention, but it's not like I dont have it. I'm french, n in the US, the accent definietly helps a lot, and I hang out w/ some...
  16. L


    So I k-closed this HB 9, and after that, we didnt meet up, n the sexual tension went off after like the 1st 3 days. Yesterday, I called her, n we had a random convo, nothing special. Later that night, I decided that I should try 2 recover, and at least learn from it. So I texted her: Me:Hey I...
  17. L

    Is she tryin 2 get in my pants or what?

    Hey, so there's my friend's gf, cute and a nice body. the 1st time we met was brief n more like "hey it's nice 2 meet u", very short. The 2nd time we met, within 10mn, she tells me I'm her fav of all her bf's friends, n she got to hang out w/ the other guys a lot. so the 3rd time which was on...
  18. L

    my new opener

    Hey guys I would like to share this with you. 1 day I was talking to friends and we were wondering if walking up to a girl and tell her she has nice boobs would be a good pick up line. We were just joking and a girl in thee group said that it wouldn't work but we decided to give it a try...
  19. L

    how long b4 u take her out

    Hey guys I closed an HB n it's been 2 weeks since we met n honestly I don have time 4 a date(very busy schedule). I think she may lose interest but there's nothing I can do. What do u think?
  20. L

    phone game

    yeah everything is set up. We have midterms right now so the date is going 2 b during spring break on this saturday.