wtf is she trying 2 do........ Solutions


Don Juan
Sep 30, 2007
Reaction score
Hey guys,
I dont really have a prob w/ chics but some things just throw me off sometimes.
So I was at a party last time, when I was leaving w/ my boys, I spot this cute girl like hb7. She had a strong sex appeal n I could only picture her naked. So I just walked up 2 her n:
-Hey whats up
Her: Hey
Me: I'm l23
Her: I'm hb7 Nice 2 meet u (n said I have a nice name)
Me: Nice 2 meet u 2. Listen, I gotta leave now w/ my friends but u seem really interesting n I'd like 2 find out more about u. Give me ur number n I'll hit u up
Her: Sure

xchanged numbers, hug etc...

I called her up the next week end cuz my phone had problems. She was still responsive. n said she was taking a class in my school. (her school is in the same area as mine).

3 days later, I txt her 2 c wat class she was taking n asker 2 meet up when she comes over so we can get food or sthg...
She answers: "Hey I have a bf. I'm interested in being ur friend. I just wanted 2 let u know". I just answered "Relax sweetheart.Idk how fast u go but I barely know u so I'm not yet thinking about that". We finished the convo n we couldnt meet up when she comes cuz I have class at that time.

My prob is why she had to tell me about her bf when I just asked her a random question, n I took that as a sh1t test.

So guys give me ur insight about this



Don Juan
Nov 20, 2007
Reaction score
There's not too much to say about it. She could tell you were trying to get with her and she threw you the BF card.

Girls give their numbers out all of the time. There's nothing special about getting a number. When you began to advance she let you know she's not interested.

Hope that helps


Senior Don Juan
Dec 5, 2008
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A place where dreams become reality
Definitely a common sh!t test you'd have to learn to deal with.

You did a pretty good answer to that. I'd say continue with it and see where it goes. She may not have a boyfriend anyways.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 19, 2008
Reaction score
Sounds like she is trying to tell you she has a boyfriend.

Which probably really means she has a boyfriend. Especially if she said she still wanted to be friends with you. Girls think in advance -- If you guys did friendly stuff together, and her boyfriend comment was just a ruse, she understands that you would figure it out. Instead, she would have just said something about you not being her type or just having a rough break-up, or not being ready for a relationship, or something else.

Guess what though? Women cheat.

Give it some play, see how far you can get. Worst case scenario is that you have a new HB7 friend, who most likely has some cute single friends, and will raise your social proof + expand your social network.

Best case scenario is all of the above, plus you get your penis wet with a cute, albeit unfaithful woman.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 12, 2004
Reaction score
"That's all i wanted was just friends, I thought maybe you knew some girls that you could introduce me to." or something to that effect. Would pretty much mindfvck her if you sounded sincere in your delivery.


Don Juan
Sep 30, 2007
Reaction score
For Zao:
Obviously she knew wat I wanted from the start cuz after it was a direct approach n she wud have given me the bf card from the start. $ the numbers, I completely agree cuz the numbers got that didnt lead anywhere r countless.
However, that might just be a sh1t test so I'll try 2 play the cards right n c where it goes from there.
If u have any other advices that'll help, Im waiting.
Thanx guys


Don Juan
Nov 20, 2007
Reaction score
A lot of chicks don't immediately tell you they have a BF because it's really none of your business. Also, they don't say it in order to get attention. Women do like being approached by guys because it makes them feel good.

Most good women will let men know if they're taken once they've gotten their attention fix and sense we're trying to get into their pants. That doesn't necessarily mean they won't cheat either tho.

If you want to keep pursuing this without coming off as an A-hole that doesn't care whether or not she's taken, your best bet is to let her know you want to get to know her better without coming off as a friend (if that makes sense)

Keep initiating kino and being as smooth as you can, cross the line if you want but if she doesn't reciprocate it's time to move on. Then you can decide whether or not you want to be friends or not.


Don Juan
Sep 30, 2007
Reaction score
Alright Zao I get ur point. All I wanna do is f her. I'll go 4 it, plus since she goes to an all girl school, chances r that she's in a long distance relationship (if she really has a bf)