It seems like my game is falling this


Don Juan
Sep 30, 2007
Reaction score
Hey guys,
Let me first giv u a background check. I was pretty social in HS n had friends w/ high social status, which prolly helped me w/ girls back then. I was quite shy, n the gfs I had (no hook ups at the time), were introduced 2 me by friends, but I was still shy, and the girls I ended up w/ were the ones who almost made the moves. After high school, I travelled 2 the U.S n started a new life. Since I was shy, I decided to get out of my comfort zone and started 2 study DJism n live my life 2 the fullest...
I spent 6 month learning english, and when I came 2 colleege, I started experiencing more, got the 1st gf I worked 4 (meeting her, asking her out and initiated every move). This was still a learning process. I started getting better. After my gf, I decided 2 just hav fun n not try 2 go 4 LTRs. My accent (french) helped also w/ the girls and things like that.
2 years later, I've become basically a natural (no canned material or anything n just go w/ the flow). I've gotten girls and have been quite consistent. I have experienced it all, girls ignoring me when I try 2 open, the "I have a bf" line, and basically everything u can imagine.
Now here comes the problem. I go out every friday and saturday, but suddenly, these past 3 weeks, all the girls I've met refused 2 return my calls. I mean I would understand if it was a short pick up n they flake. There has been a few of those but I'm talking about girls that I have spent a long time w/ n k-closed. They were having a good time w/ me just like before, nothing about me changed, at least not that I know of. They would tell me things like "I really like u", "I like hanging out w/ u", "u're a really good kisser", "U're so suave" and things like that, plus those are not drunk girls. Even when their friends ask them 2 leave, they say that they want 2 stay w/ me. When I called later they don't answer or no return calls. In that case, I next them.
I don't understand this. I'm at the point where I would consider myself of top of my game, and I'm having the least amount of success. Hav u fellow DJs ever been in that situation? If so could u tell me how u got out of it.

Thanks Bros


Master Don Juan
Mar 16, 2008
Reaction score
an island
You might not be the DJ you think you are yet. I went through a period like that. I know the reason it happens. Its basically because you know the all the moves and know how to get girls interested etc using techniques but you're still an AFC beneath it all and the women realise this after spending some time with you. It's just a natural stage in your development.

See it as a wake up call. You're an AFC who is just learning to be a DJ. Keep working on yourself and it'll happen less and less as you become more of a DJ. :rockon:


Don Juan
Sep 30, 2007
Reaction score
slaog said:
You might not be the DJ you think you are yet. I went through a period like that. I know the reason it happens. Its basically because you know the all the moves and know how to get girls interested etc using techniques but you're still an AFC beneath it all and the women realise this after spending some time with you. It's just a natural stage in your development.

See it as a wake up call. You're an AFC who is just learning to be a DJ. Keep working on yourself and it'll happen less and less as you become more of a DJ. :rockon:
Wat u said makes sense and I agree 100% with it, but the thing is that a few months b4 the last 3 weeks, I had a lot of success and now it's going down hill... That's why I'm asking all these questions.

Thanks 4 opening my eyes though