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  1. M

    Not someone who likes to commit...

    Thanks PlayToWin, very good advice.
  2. M

    Feedback! please... wasting time?

    I think playing with hair is far too ambiguous as an IOI. I notice girls doing this all the time around me - even ones that I don't like and clearly don't show any interest.
  3. M

    Not someone who likes to commit...

    Well it's not a low sex drive anyway ;) She's 23, so I'm not sure what stage she could possibly be at given that in 5 years she'll be heading over the hill, and she hasn't recently broken up with anyone. Do you think this situation's worth pursuing, if even just for sex? I don't see the point...
  4. M

    Not someone who likes to commit...

    When a chick says she isn't the kind of person who is into relationships and is someone who likes to drift, is this actually true? Bear in mind this wasn't a response I got after asking someone out, it's just an off the cuff remark from a girl I like. Surely every girl likes relationships...
  5. M

    Legs or breasts?

    What do you guys go for? Big or normal sized breasts? And would you rather have nice legs or nice breasts if you had to choose one on a girl?
  6. M

    article: Why Doesn't Evolution Get Rid of Ugly People?

    In every generation of humans, there will inevitably be a portion of the population that are too ugly to breed, and will die. Therefore, in the next generation the "ugly cut-off point" will be raised, as there will still be a portion of the population who are too ugly to breed. Of course, they...
  7. M

    mixed messages

    What's ganji?
  8. M

    help w/ creating NLP triggers

    Yes, I had suspected it was a load of pseudo-scientific nonsense.
  9. M

    Message for the broken hearted

    I don't agree DJ damage, it still must be said that people do find themselves emotionally attached to women eventually, and sometimes when they leave it can be painful. Sure, the DJ tactics are useful when you are meeting, attracting and playing women, but eventually every normal person will...
  10. M

    help w/ creating NLP triggers

    I don't know much about NLP, sorry, so I can't really help you on this one. Do you use it much and does it actually work?
  11. M

    Random Chic?!

    Yep, e-dating seems to be a big craze these days. I tend to agree with you Norisman about going to see a movie on the first date; it is next to impossible to talk to each other and by the time the end of the night comes you usually haven't even started to get to know each other. Unless of...
  12. M

    is age that big of a deal to women?

    Sorry, I missed that bit in your post where you said your real age. Yeah, she was just being a *****. Just keep a look out for other babes and let her go. Also, it's weird that she thinks a '24' year old is too young. She's only 4 years older and she has a child as well which can be a real...
  13. M

    Take some time to throw knowledge on this lil head of mine

    It actually looks like one of those 'magic eye' puzzles
  14. M

    Help with Fear of Success

    Good point, perhaps it's just difficult for me to see it in that way because ultimately outcomes like failure and rejection seem relatively worse to me than that of success. Perhaps we should just call it fear of change. If failure was my comfort zone, and success was something I felt...
  15. M

    Message for the broken hearted

    Good post, and true. When people get their hearts broken they often fail to realise that the best healer of all is time.
  16. M

    OK, so what now . . .

    Don't worry about it, sometimes things like that happen. You probably just weren't in the mood. It's weird that you weren't able to get an erection though, didn't the sight of her naked arouse you in any way?
  17. M

    Help with Fear of Success

    Fear of SUCCESS? Surely success should be the reason you are approaching girls in the first place! Why are you afraid of success? Being successful is a very positive thing, so are you telling me that you'd rather fail?
  18. M

    too needy or thinks so?

    Honestly, that is a ridiculous line and i'd never use it. It portrays a needy and even slightly angry tone after you are the one being rejected in the first place. Also, revealing that you are an 'expert' in the psychology of women just makes you look like an *******. The best thing to do (of...
  19. M


    What are you all talking about? Was the OP edited?
  20. M

    Take some time to throw knowledge on this lil head of mine

    Can you retype this in a way that's more readable? It honestly hurts my eyes just to look at it!