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    How do you handle the waiting game?

    Ok, I should have been much clearer to begin with. The phone thing was just one of the issues. So let me fill you in with more info. She has said many times of things WE should do together and things she will do for me. She has said that she should make a dinner for me, that she will bake...
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    How do you handle the waiting game?

    I want people around me to be honest and act honestly. If she has any chance to be my girlfriend she must stop behave like that. And I'm trying to game her out of her bad habits. All people don't act rationally. I guess no one does it all the time.
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    How do you handle the waiting game?

    Gangster of love, you are right. I should be clearer in my question. The desired outcome is that you want her to call you when she thinks of you as normal people do. And yeah, you know that she thinks of you a lot, because she has said that very clearly and besides you know that she is really...
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    How do you handle the waiting game?

    How do you best handle the following situation: Scenario: You know that a girl is very interested in you, but she still only calls once in a while. If you call her up and come with any type of suggestion she is most often up to it. She has expressed her feelings and liking for you many...
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    Logic behind women's behavior from an evolutionary biology point of view

    Hardly any scientists deny this. But sure, some moralists might deny it even if they call them self scientists. I have yet to see a reputated scientist to question the basis of Darwin and his followers evolutionary biology. Ok, I'll try to give short answers to the questions I first...
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    Need advice how repair new relationship that gone bad

    Desdinova, I have been with quite a lot of woman that have called me when they said they would. Actually that's most often the case. You think that is sooo unlikely? When it comes to the 4 points you pointed out. I understand and agree to some extent but, 1. I don't see it as a...
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    Logic behind women's behavior from an evolutionary biology point of view

    Evolutionary biology is the science of the origin and changes of the species. Questions that arise in this field are the ones many of you are interested in. Everything people or other species do or think derives from the fact that we want to pass our genes over to the next generation. So...
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    Need advice how repair new relationship that gone bad

    First of all, I didn't know it was bragging to give you some background history. Secondly, I'm not contradicting everything you say here. I admit to something and other things I just wanted to clear out. And I think I made my points in previous posts. Not to say that all things you have stated...
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    Need advice how repair new relationship that gone bad

    I notice that no one have reacted over the fact that she has been lying when saying, "I'm gonna call you tonight", but she didn't. The time when she was saying that we were already haning up the phone, she it wasn't like she needed to say it to hang up. Ok, we have all lied but that doesn't...
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    Need advice how repair new relationship that gone bad

    So it's totally wrong to give her a positive chock by calling her the day after I fvcked her and take her to restaurant, and be different from most other one-night-standers? Check! It's boring, stale, and a woman you have just met don't like to be taken out for a super romantic picnic even if...
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    How to act after very good first date

    Congrats! Good work! She is yours now. Don't do my mistake as I explained in another post here called "Need advice how repair new relationship that gone bad" It's a bit late for answering your first question, but I think it is ALWAYS a good idea to send ONE mobile message after a date...
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    Need advice how repair new relationship that gone bad

    I must add that this was the first time started out a relationship with overwhelming the girl like that. But I two resons for doing that: 1. As I explained, since I have already had sex with her the first night, she would look better to her surroundings (friends, family, her own self-esteem)...
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    Need advice how repair new relationship that gone bad

    I think I might call myself fairly good with women. I have had sex with more than 12-13 women so far this year. That's probably how many some of you do in a month but it is fair enough I would say to be catagorized in the first percentile of men. From what I know about reading womens body...
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    Need advice how repair new relationship that gone bad

    On Point, I totally agree with you! I think that is the only fair analysis we can do and it is probably the right one. When you say possessive, it sounds like I wanted to make her do this and that. But we are on the same level if possessive, in this case, means going a bit to fast. But...
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    If a girl finally calls/message back, what should I do?

    Two good answers. To be frank, I am in the middle of moving right now so I won't have any time (unless it's very important) until this weekend. So I might say, "I'm busy until the weekend but then you can meet me at..." Or I'll just say don't reply at all. For now I won't reply...
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    How to act when your best friend is trying to steal your girlfriends

    What I mean is that he has an intention NOW, and I would like to know what that is. If he has really been trying to get my girlfriends he deserves no warning what so ever, and believe me, my voice won't be calm when I tell him to never show his face again. He should be glad if I don't lose it...
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    How to act when your best friend is trying to steal your girlfriends

    Actually that's a really good one that I have already thought about. He went to test himself for herpes a few weeks ago and haven't got the result yet. So maybe I wouldn't lie either. He is acting badly, so I am acting accordingly badly back. Suits him well I think. Haven't decided to use...
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    Need advice how repair new relationship that gone bad

    More info: A few days ago I just called her and said I want to come by her place and give her something. I drove to her place and realized she was outside her place just getting home with here bicycle, there and gave her the thing a wanted to give to her. A kiss! :-) I saw her approving...
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    How to act when your best friend is trying to steal your girlfriends

    If he really wants my girls then he's toasted forever. But I just hope I over-react and that he is just being friendly. I guess I'll have to chill down and wait until he goes to far. Hopefully he is not like that. Although I more and more doubt it.
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    How to act when your best friend is trying to steal your girlfriends

    Ok, I know it doesn't make no sense calling a person who tries to steal your girlfriends or at least flirt with them a friend, or more so a best friend! But this guy have been my best friend for 6 years, and is the closest person I have. It really looks or feels bad now. It's like I hope...