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  1. J

    she isn't returning my phone call, how should i act towards her?

    thanks for the advice, i agree with all of you that i should move on. I had that hunch after she didn't return the first call, I think I was really asking "what should i do next time i see her in real life". And I think you are right, in that I should just act cool, nonchalant, and don't bring...
  2. J

    she isn't returning my phone call, how should i act towards her?

    is that because there's some kind of "hug = LJBF" mentality going on? i thought any kind of touching at all is good. These are hands in the small of her back, wrapped tight, groins touching hugs, not the hug you'd give your mom or something. and please answer my original question, how do i act...
  3. J

    she isn't returning my phone call, how should i act towards her?

    Obsidian, I took your advice and put in another call. Rang and went to voicemail, left another message which was short and succinct but still got across the message that "hey... you owe me TWO calls now!" Well it's been a few days and I'm not expecting to receive a response, so I need to ask...
  4. J

    she isn't returning my phone call, how should i act towards her?

    I know that posts concerning 1 specific girl are frowned upon here and dismissed as ONEITIS, but I still really need some advice on what to do here: there's this cute girl i've kinda-sorta known through mutual friends the last few months. i've run into her once every few weeks, just a quick...
  5. J

    so how do you ditch your old way of thinking?

    thanks both, that's exactly what i needed to hear. gonna read that when i rise and before i goto sleep for a month to convince myself. much appreciated -jd
  6. J

    so how do you ditch your old way of thinking?

    when you read the thread title, did you know exactly what I meant? i was, unfortunately, raised a very certain way -- to give consideration and respect to all. all girls are princesses, to be treated a certain way at all times., blah etc. etc. While i thought i was always taking the "high...