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  1. C

    Power of Kino - Confirmed Scientifically

    I know, this is no big news, just wanted to share. "Remarkably, of the 60 women who he touched lightly on the arm, 65 per cent agreed to a dance, compared with just 43 per cent of the 60 women who he asked without making any physical contact." full article
  2. C

    Hot girls who want to party - do I share?

    i would go alone. come on, girl specifically asked you to come alone. though unlikely, there may be some surprises. (threesome?) but if you really think you can't handle the situation and need a wingman, have one of your friends nearby, but tell him not to show up. in case of an emergency...
  3. C

    guys who use makeup

    don't make a big deal, and don't tell everyone. if someone asks, tell them you "sometimes" cover them. but don't use the word make-up. if needed, tell them that it's a medical thing (which is the truth).
  4. C

    Help Me With The Woman Of My Life

    well, i would marry her right away, but we were still studying.
  5. C

    Help Me With The Woman Of My Life

    sorry, i don't know what you meant. as i have said, english is not my native language, so sometimes i may sound weird.
  6. C

    Help Me With The Woman Of My Life

    thanks all. you've helped a lot. ok, i will show much less attention. it's easy not to call. but how should i behave when i'm with her? answering everything "whatever", "doesn't matter" or "i don't care" and not starting a conversation will only make me a jerk on pot. how should i behave...
  7. C

    Help Me With The Woman Of My Life

    as i have already mentioned, this is not an option. i love her. I am not asking "help me getting laid, with anyone or anything, i'm desperate", i am asking a question about a relationship problem.
  8. C

    Help Me With The Woman Of My Life

    Thanks for your advices. I tried that. I mean, i acted like i don't care much about her. But then she lowered the level too. Let me clarify the situation like this: - i act 10, she acts 3 - i act 5, she acts 3 - i act 3, she acts 3 - i act 1, she acts 1 It's like, she can't make it past 3...
  9. C

    Help Me With The Woman Of My Life

    Thanks, but i have already read everything in bible. Most of them are usable to strangers or to people you have just met. This girl got me for three years already. I want to play hard-to-get, but at the same time still be myself (i'm gonna marry her, i can't act whole my life :)). This is the...
  10. C

    Help Me With The Woman Of My Life

    Hi all. I am lurking on these boards for about a year, but i had nothing to contribute, until now... I am a 27 years old decent guy (so they say). I don't like short-term relationships. I always wanted the woman of my life, whom i can share everything. I am not your type of guy dating some...