Hot girls who want to party - do I share?

Mr Real

New Member
Apr 11, 2006
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Dublin, Irish Rep.
Been a while since I posted here but I am faced with a dilemma and figured I'd get some feedback.

Here's the situation - I've just got done chatting online with an Aussie girl living over in my city, Dublin, and we hit it off very well. She's good looking, I would say HB8, and a lot of fun. She also said she thought I was good looking. She gave me her number and we've texted each other a few times already. Now then, it turns out she doesn't know the city of Dublin too well and her and her flat mates - also from Oz - want to experience the night life. She's really keen on going out on Saturday night. I told her I'd have to ask my mates if they would want to go out as we've been out already this week and funds might be low. Her reply was:

"Well can't you come out by yourself? Show us girls a good time? Come on, live a little."

Now I reckon that I could get my mates to come out and maybe we could all go out together as a group. The thing is - should I do this or instead go out by myself and see what happens? Would it be better to have wing men or would they get in the way on this occasion?

I've never actually gone out without my friends so it would be a new experience alright and who knows what could happen, although I'm not the most extravagant guy so pleasing a group of girls would be a challenge for me. She's really keen though. Here is the recent text exchange we had to give you an idea:

HB8: "Hope you come out tomorrow!"

Me: "Hey anything's possible. You havin a good time?" (she told me her and her friends are home drinking)

HB8: "Yeah feeling a bit pissy. Oh you better come out tomorrow! I'll be sad if you don't!"

Me: "Well I can't give us Dubliners a bad rep can I?"

HB8: "No you can't do that! Plus we need a hot tour guy to show us the sights! Will you accept the challenge? Hope so...I would heaps like to meet you in person."

Me: "Well I never shirk from a challenge. I'll be in touch tomorrow. Night."

I haven't decided what I'll do so I was deliberately vague. Sounds to me like she might prefer it if I show up alone as she would be around her friends and I guess it would be up to me to meet her friend's approval. It would be quite a challenging night since the onus would be on me to give them a good time but if I managed to do so it could be very rewarding indeed. ;)

On the other hand, if I brought my friends along it would be less pressure on me but my friends are more social than I am and so if the night goes well, they could take the plaudits instead. Decisions, decisions.

So my question for you all is simple - what would you do in my situation? Call the mates for support or decide to fly solo?


Don Juan
May 30, 2007
Reaction score
i would go alone. come on, girl specifically asked you to come alone. though unlikely, there may be some surprises. (threesome?)

but if you really think you can't handle the situation and need a wingman, have one of your friends nearby, but tell him not to show up. in case of an emergency, invite him but act as if it's just a coincidence.


Don Juan
Apr 9, 2007
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Las Vegas
As much as I feel that I should otherwise, I think more like an AFC everytime I read these threads.


New Member
Jun 1, 2007
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i'll book a flight to Dublin and help you out.

anyway you should go alone. make sure you have everything planned


May 11, 2007
Reaction score
This is a stupid question, and shows a lack of a Sense of Self.

"So my question for you all is simple - what would you do in my situation? Call the mates for support or decide to fly solo?"

Why are you asking people on a discussion forum, where 90% of these guys haven't seen a woman's pvssy in 6 months?

The REAL answer is in the previous posts, you need to develop your own style of gaming. It's your call. If you have great wingmen and they will add excitment to the night then choose them. If they are basically c0ck blockers, why bother?

This is your call. I do these all the time, and I HAVE NO guys here. It's because I am always in my own flow, and people that dont' fit into it aren't welcome. You need to create your own flow of things.

First off, I wouldnt' be jumping up to go get a girl JUST BECAUSE she said to do it. Do you want to do it? You need to be in control of yoru life buddy....not some chick.

Again, no Sense of Self, you need to develop that.



Don Juan
Apr 8, 2006
Reaction score
i agree. do whatever you want to do. Personally, I'd go by myself with the group...but I'd have a backup plan ready...i.e. say you meet your friends at another bar...if the night starts going bad....go to the bathroom, call your friends and find out where they are...tell the girls that your buddies are at the other spot and its really a great time.....tell them to come with you...if they don't want to...then go anyways.

win win.


Master Don Juan
Apr 21, 2004
Reaction score
go solo, solo, solo, get it? She even said they need a hot tour guy to show them around right? Solo, Solo, Solo, nobody to mess it up for you, nobody to get pissed off when they get rejected and start whining, let's go these girls suck. Solo, Solo, Solo, and if you still are not sure, SOLO, always SOLO
Mar 18, 2006
Reaction score
This is a "no-brainer" - she is practically begging you to pursue her!!! You don't need a huddled mass for one girl! Two is a couple and three is a crowd!!!