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  1. S

    Illuminati...your thoughts?

    Look at the architecture around the world. Illuminati pyramid in France (build 1989) Isreal's Supreme Court
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    sweating under pressure

    You could also have a mild hyperhidrosis which is unusually increased sweating. For some with hyperhidrosis: nervousness/anxiety can put the switch on. Cheers.
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    Home Remedies to fight pimples

    Asking out of curiosity has any bought and used Zeno device to get rid of pimples? Would be interesting to hear does it really work. I don't myself have anymore any need for such thing, but would have probably tried it few years ago. their website
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    Whats the Most heart wrenching pics you ever seen

    I don't want to look any pics. haha but this indian man with ROOTS growing from his hands alarmed!! Never seen anything like this before
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    Large belly

    The side abs hold your gut on its place... you need to pay attention to them. Front abs don't hold gut.
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    Oh s*it....I think looks may not actually matter. For real.

    That is very interesting observation. Tell me by one adjective what does he makes the girls feel? Is it attractive? Could that then make him to become attractive in their eyes.
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    Help needed, 500 kcal meals

    I have become pretty knowledgeable about nutrition, fitness, bodybuilding... but I am lacking on the diet part... which is why I never have really achieved any growth as much as I have wanted. I want to deal with this last problem which is holding be back. So I can get some gains coming in and...
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    Can someone explain this to me?

    It's the social environment. The fear of getting rejected in the school. You understand that you will be seeing the same girl again and again unlike the mall girls but do it anyways. Does she ever smile/look at you different than "normally"? Oh smile and say hi to her next time you pass by her...
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    Shoe opinions

    They all seems to be very teenager(i saw your age) and toylike. Black Shoes - for youngsters White w/ gray - some style, only yes gray w/ white - kid-toy Gray - if for running who cares what they look, it's best to fit and try running shoes on shops to make sure the are comfortable.
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    Coconut Oil

    Haven't taken it myself... yet... I have been suppoused to buy VCO for sometime now. It's the best to start slowly building up how much you take. Start with 1 tablespoon and increase it higher. Heard someones talking about 3,5 tablespoon to get good effect out of it. Btw notice that VCO got...
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    Goji and Maca

    How much maca you guys ingest daily?
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    I Need Testers For My eBook

    I'm willing to check it out... drop me pm with it.
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    Have any of you tried raw meat for bulking/strength?

    I would be concerned eating raw meat from a supermarket. You can't know what it has been thought. You could consider boiling the meat as an option and adding different types of herbs and spices to the water. It could be pleasent tasting.
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    "What Meat-Eaters Should Know"

    Sounds quacker to me.
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    Penis too dark

    Don't worry about it man. I have understood that it is always darker than your natural skin colour.
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    I was boning this HB 7...

    Can someone explain this one?
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    How much does acne turn girls off?

    jonwon's thread. it's a good read.