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    girlfriend got kissed at a bar by coworker

    my gf got hammered at a bar with a bunch of coworkers, all guys. this one guy who has a gf apparently followed her to where the bathrooms were and kissed her. she wasnt down with it. how would you handle this? she plans on going out again with these guys
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    rock and a hardplace with girlfriend

    so some guy kissed my gf at the bar last weekend. shes told me that shes never had a bf whom she didnt cheat on. usually she just cheats on them and doesnt tell them. i trust her when she says shes completely into me and that she pushed this guy off and that she hasnt and wouldnt cheat on me...
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    girlfriend told me 'i made out with him' at party

    ok nice. yeah we're pretty serious and she knows it. its funy because im at uni and i hardly talk or look at other girls and go home to spend time with her. her best friend said i should start texting and talking to my ex and make it apparent to her to make her jealous. im realy not in the mood...
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    girlfriend told me 'i made out with him' at party

    so im dating this girl, shes made out with over 40 guys. fine, i can live with it. we're at a party and a mutual friend is there and she goes "i made out with him once".. said something about her list and i said "ya who isnt on it?" looking around the room. then she ran off to smoke a cigarette...
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    Clothes for the budding young professional

    Hey I'm turning 21 in a couple months and my wardrobe is left over from high school. I'm at a university now and I'll have internship and job interviews coming my way in the near future. What some clothing lines or stores you suggest for conveying a serious working attitude but not too serious...
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    quiet game

    im pretty introverted (but can be extroverted). i can tell whats really going on in social situations, usually because im watching from a 3rd person perspective. i notice the signs that a girl is digging me and it distracts me from capitalizing. i probably come off as a nice guy because i dont...
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    Body Image - the HIGHS and LOWS

    yeah i used to be fat. now im less fat/thin but i have loose skin with some body fat so my skin is like a half empty bag. not only that ive been overweight a majority of my life so ive grown up and had my socialization with the fact that i was fat and that plays a huge role. its pretty hard for...
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    when meeting two or three girls at once

    lets say you're meeting a pair of girls or 3 for the first time. how do you guys go about the eye contact? do you hold it with one or do you go for it with all 3? if you hold it with one, which one? your target or one of her friends?
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    I can be funny, sometimes charming, but sealing the deal is my downfall

    honestly, going in for the kiss is my biggest 'fear'. even when i know this girl is diggin me i cant bring myself to set myself up for success. for example, i know this one girl is digging me on some level, except we used to be friends in high school. my next move ought to be to hang out with...
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    I can be funny, sometimes charming, but sealing the deal is my downfall

    how bout the times after the first time meeting her. like say youre hanging out with a girl after seeing her in a group a few times, its that isolation stage that has me in knots.
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    I can be funny, sometimes charming, but sealing the deal is my downfall

    I can be smart and funny to a girl and i can be real personable and outgoing with witty things to say and i can help the group have a good time. Sometimes i can be charming but heres where my wall is: i dont know the right balance of intimate conversation and kino. that is, i can be a 'cool guy'...
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    wasting oppurtunities

    no one has had a similar situation?
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    wasting oppurtunities

    i dont know how to start. i go to community college and this morning i sat at a computer in the library. the librarian came over to tell me to sign in. i go over to the sheet and this girl is signing in. i didnt say anything, she sat down at a computer in my peripheral(like behind the sign in...
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    I have a lack of sexual motivation latley.

    some of the posts in this thread are ridiculous, if you dont have something positive or helpful to say then go post at the misc. section at
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    Field Report

    hb "so you had to get your friend to come over and talk to me" "yeah i just got soo nervous when i saw such a BEAUTIFUL girl i just get all nervous inside" youd have to say it a certain way.. "actualy my friend brought the wrong girl, i was pointing to the one behind you" you said "so...
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    Something is holding me back. ANY input would be appreciated.

    i understand i think. my downfall was smoking grass. try to stop smoking for a while if you do.
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    need advice on dull conversations

    where is the line between funny and creepy when it comes to sexual joking? examples?
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    please help me and critique this attempt at girl

    i know that feeling tho i think. when you feel like you do an awful job but you still have success. it obviously wasnt that bad man. first impressions do mean a lot but i think in your case you have the oppurtunity to make an even better second impression. just relax, make the call, have a nice...
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    just want to second what jay said.
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    need advice on dull conversations

    the way i see it there are two reasons people FAIL at conversing (notice: thers a difference between being average and being a great conversationist, but its hard to actualy fail at speaking to others): 1. they overthink it or 2. they truly are socially incapable the former is usualy the...