Field Report


Don Juan
Apr 3, 2007
Reaction score
hey guys whats going on I just need some analysis on my field report

was at the mall with my 2 friends. One of my friends goes up to approach this girl who is definately not her taste. Anywaze he goes up and she basically rejects him saying that hes not her type. Then my friend goes but you should meet one of my friends. Then the girl responds, "The cute guy with the hat, introduce us" Basically this is how the conversation goes.

hb: hi my name is hb
me: hi im RYimaz
some fluff talk, ask her what school she goes to where she works etc etc...
The whole time I was trying to remain very confident and I could tell by her bodylanguage that she atleast thought I was attractive. Then she gives me a really tough question
hb: so you had to have your friend come over here and approach me for u
me: no its not like that... he just wanted to talk to you

Then we fluff a bit more and I go in for the close
me: it was nice talking to you but let me get your number so we can chat sometime
hb: how about I get your number
me: sorri I dont give out my number
hb: oh so your the private type huh?
me: yea I guess you can say that, but I should go see my friends, it was nice meeting you
hb: yea you too bye

Alrite fellaz I just want an analysis of what I did right and what I did wrong. I already have a feeling a couple of my faults but just want some outsiders opinion. Thanks


Don Juan
Jan 28, 2007
Reaction score
hb "so you had to get your friend to come over and talk to me"

"yeah i just got soo nervous when i saw such a BEAUTIFUL girl i just get all nervous inside" youd have to say it a certain way..

"actualy my friend brought the wrong girl, i was pointing to the one behind you"

you said "so we can chat"? idk, be more assertive "give me your number so this doesnt have to be the last time i see you" (or "you see me" if shes the kind of girl that would dig a ****y attitude)


Senior Don Juan
Oct 19, 2006
Reaction score
Durham Cali
hb "so you had to get your friend to come over and talk to me"

you "actually, it seemed like he was more into you, so I let him take the lead"

dont defend yourself, its shows weakness