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  1. P

    Question about maintaining eye contact

    Okay so i've been trying to be more alpha lately by maintaining eye contact for longer periods of time and trying not to look away first. I've heard from some sources you should always wait for the other person to break eye contact first but I was wondering if its ever okay to look away first...
  2. P

    Tall guys

    Okay man, I agree with you that in alot of situations short guys have to do more to earn respect. What im saying is that AVERAGE guys have an advantage with women. I think that it can be an advantage in the longrun not to be tall because guys who aren't really tall have to learn how to earn...
  3. P

    Tall guys

    I know that height isn't a big factor but I was wondering if you guys have noticed that most girls are kind of intimidated by tall guys and that most chicks like guys in the 5'8 to 6'0 range. Look at Johnny Depp, hes only 5'10 and the women love him. Anyway what do you guys think about this...
  4. P

    Resources on being funny

    Okay im considered to be one of the funniest guys at my school so I think I can help you on this one. Humor comes from within and if you're going to be funny you're going to need change your attitude and project yourself as a fun person with lots of "good times" The most important thing that you...
  5. P

    Gym isn't helping me

    Im 16 years old and I go to the YMCA 1-3 times per week. I've been going there for about a month and have seen some muscle growth at times but that quickly goes away in a few days. Im pretty skinny and I have a really fast metabolism, is this affecting my bodies ability to retain muscle? What...
  6. P

    The best places to meet women

    I guess you're kind of screwed at school since you go to a technical Im only 16 and I don't know how 21 year olds hook up, but it seems like the easiest way to meet someone would be through friends or hanging out at the places where attractive women around your age go, such as a...
  7. P

    How to deal with threatening competition from other DJ's

    I hate when that happens, when some other guy makes progress on the girl that you like....anyway the only way you're going to get this girl instead of him is to believe that you have better game than he does. If you think that his game is so good that you have no shot with her than that means...
  8. P

    problem with friends..

    I feel your pain man, I have pretty much the same problem and it really does suck. I go to a very small school where everyone knows everyone and since I am an outsider I still don't have any close friends and i've been going to this school for 1 and a half years. My advice would be to not try to...