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    girl giving to confront?

    Raikojo - by the way, I haven't actually done anything so far to confirm our status...I was just asking if something like what I suggested in the OP would be a good move. Hell, as it is I speak with her once, at most twice during the week. Really we just catch up on the weekends in person when I...
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    girl giving to confront?

    I'm with you guys completely...that exact mindset you've all mentioned (doing my own thing, moving forward, etc) is how I've always been. It's funny too because I do have other options with girls, and I've been doing my thing with them when I'm on my own during the week. I've keep the nonchalant...
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    girl giving to confront?

    understood...and part of me was of that school of thought too. the other part says what i wrote above. that we've been chillin (and gettin together on dates) for enough time now to let her know I won't accept ambiguity from her. it would put her on the spot in opposed to her just...
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    girl giving to confront?

    hey assist is appreciated here. so basically, there's a place I go to on the weekends where I started casually chatting things up with a waitress several weeks ago. things started moving progressively from the casual chatting, to getting her number, to hanging out a couple times...
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    dunno wtf is going on

    you've already been there before, you'll know the signs....believe me bro, I've been in a very similar situation (read the few posts I have here). your mind will be so numb to everything just because you guys are going out together drinking, dancing,'ll think "Ok this is cool...
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    How do you get some from an attention w#$%e, the second time around

    dude I'm pretty much going through the same exact situation.....I know what you mean. I was a big time AFC with this chick and that's why it ended (funny cuz mine said the same thing...we were never bf/gf, even though we were together for a couple months and were fcking like rabbits) Anyway...
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    noob situation

    After getting all the info from this site (stuff I pretty much knew already and applied to every other fcking girl in the world), I've decided that I'm just gonna cut communication with this chick for awhile...I've done this before (and every time I have, she calls/IMs me after a little while...
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    noob situation

    quick the other weekend, I got a few late night phone calls from this chick. After asking her why she was calling, etc....she finally says "do you wanna come over?" I asked why, and she said "I wanna hook up"....something went off in my head and I figured this may have been a test...
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    noob situation

    Thanks a lot for the replies fellas...glad to be given solid advice as a newbie to the site. All the material here has really tied together things I thought, but was never really sure of. Back to another point in my post...I know since I am the one in the situation and really have the 'feel' for...
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    noob situation

    Hey whats up guys....great site here, lotsa great info. Ok here's the deal....I'm in my early 20s, and there was this smokin hot girl I was hookin up with a couple years ago. She was actually the one who approached me (my best friend is going out with her best friend). We were hookin up for a...