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  1. S

    How do you get some from an attention w#$%e, the second time around

    Cool, thanks for the replies guys, I have a couple questions and comments. Karma - I have no problems calling her out, however, since this other guy just did that recently, (he was pissed cuz she was basically wasn't going to make an effort to keep hanging out with him once school...
  2. S

    How do you get some from an attention w#$%e, the second time around

    Made a similar post b/f, but I'm posting again b/c the lightbulb finally turned on and I finally figured this girl out. We were together for a while last spring semester, now we're not. What happened was basically a mix of me being an AFC at the time and her, (which I just figured out), being...
  3. S

    Opportunity for a booty call, or is it a test

    Qweretyuiopas. I feel ya on your situation. Mine seems to be somewhat similar now that I've cut the AFC activity down to a minumum,....(this is a 180 for me so I'm still a work in progress). I've nevered called her,.....she calls me,... once and a while, and I pick up,... once and a while...
  4. S

    Opportunity for a booty call, or is it a test

    Bascailly with her, although she hasn't said it, it seems as if she her mind frame is to go have fun with her friends in the summer, and then possibly see what's up with "us" in the fall semester, in about 3 weeks. I hear ya guys with the ex's thing. My reasioning is most likely...
  5. S

    Opportunity for a booty call, or is it a test

    I just found out that the "ex" .....(never were technically official b/c of her immaturity with semmantics), is intending on having a sex toy party with her friends, and having some male stripper over that they met, who gave her and her friends lap dances, (the guy liked her the best),...just an...
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    Whats up guys,I'm new to the board, and trying to get this part of my life straightened out a bit more. Moved fairly recently to Pittsburgh from a smaller town in PA, to go to a small school. Just seeing if anyone out there is close by, it'd be cool to throw some of my knew found theory...
  7. S

    Question about a confusing situation...part 1

    Ok so basically. I started applying some David D rules. Answered her phone calls, maybe 1 out of every 3. After a while she didn't talk to me for a while. Then she starts callilng once every 5 days or so, saying "when we going to hang out" I'm like I don't know I'm pretty busy, your not...
  8. S

    Question about a confusing situation...part 1

    Whats up guys, I'm brand new to the boards, hope to soak up some knowledge from those in the know. I'll give ya a quick rundown on me and my current "confusing situation" I'll do my best to try and write a novel. I'm about 27. I've been doing basically the wrong thing with women for ummmm...