Opportunity for a booty call, or is it a test


Don Juan
Jul 24, 2006
Reaction score
I just found out that the "ex" .....(never were technically official b/c of her immaturity with semmantics), is intending on having a sex toy party with her friends, and having some male stripper over that they met, who gave her and her friends lap dances, (the guy liked her the best),...just an fyi, but I'm not really tripping on that, b/c I don't think anything will happen there.

The male stripper part doesn't really make sense to me at a sex toy party,....he'll probably feel pretty inadequate with some of what's passed around, haha.

I'm getting off track. Basically she wanted to do the go out and have fun with her triffling, no good, retardid friends thing this summer, since its her first summer being 21. Fine, I'm not playing the AFC card. However whats interesting is that I don't think things have worked out the way she planned on, about meeting other guys, although she just wants to go out and have "fun".......right, haha. Also as recent as this past May someone else had invited her to a sex toy party and she was disgusted and appaled. I'm thinking that maybe she's finally she's horned up? We haven't had sex since the end of March, and I'm 99% sure that she hasn't done anything sexual with anyone else.

Anyway, I'm not sure if this could be an opening for a booty call, or if it might be just a test, so she can get me aroused and laugh when she shuts me down,....she's done that with kissing b/f, but never sex,..the broad can be brutal. I will see her 4 days a week in school, once school starts on Aug. 21rst. Not sure what to do here,.... try something or pick my opportunity later when school starts......oh I've also only seen her twice this summer, briefly,..and probably only talk to her,......at most once a week, usually more like once every 1.5 - 2 weeks.

Ace of Flames

Master Don Juan
Jan 11, 2006
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Everywhere you want to be.... I'm like a Visa card
Wait wait wait, she's your ex? Then you shouldn't care what she does. If you aren't in a relationship with her anymore, then she's just as free to do what she wants as she was before she met you. Worry about more important things.


Master Don Juan
Jun 19, 2006
Reaction score

1. Forget the exes and female friends. Common sense says it’s easier to kindle the flame with a friend, or re-kindle it with an ex, than meet and attract a woman who is a total stranger . . . well common sense is dead wrong! Real experience shows that once a woman has decided you are not relationship material, a switch is thrown in her mind. It can’t be changed back. Starting over with a stranger is vastly easier, in fact.

Did I mention? Forget the Ex.


Don Juan
Jul 24, 2006
Reaction score
Bascailly with her, although she hasn't said it, it seems as if she her mind frame is to go have fun with her friends in the summer, and then possibly see what's up with "us" in the fall semester, in about 3 weeks.

I hear ya guys with the ex's thing.

My reasioning is most likely shoudey and flawed, but I'll throw it out there anyway. B/c school and work is going to leave me little time in the fall semester, coming up shortly,.........more or less the same with her, execpt for her Sat. nights,......I was thinking that if I could get anything physically going with her that maybe that would set things up for a physical relationship come fall, ......which would be much more convieant for the both of us since opportunities for the both of us would be limited, come fall semester.


Master Don Juan
Oct 2, 2005
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Phyzzle said:

1. Forget the exes and female friends. Common sense says it’s easier to kindle the flame with a friend, or re-kindle it with an ex, than meet and attract a woman who is a total stranger . . . well common sense is dead wrong! Real experience shows that once a woman has decided you are not relationship material, a switch is thrown in her mind. It can’t be changed back. Starting over with a stranger is vastly easier, in fact.

Did I mention? Forget the Ex.
I agree on leaving the ex alone but this is a time where the "DJ FAQ" has a good idea but isnt totally right. I had a chick it didnt work out with and a couple years later we met up again and the spark did re-kindle, not for long but my point is that its not a thing that will never happen. I do agree with the fact that it most likely wont happen and to leave the ex alone.


Don Juan
Jul 24, 2006
Reaction score
Qweretyuiopas. I feel ya on your situation. Mine seems to be somewhat similar now that I've cut the AFC activity down to a minumum,....(this is a 180 for me so I'm still a work in progress). I've nevered called her,.....she calls me,... once and a while, and I pick up,... once and a while.

I've physically seen her twice this summer,.....there have been other offers to see her, not a lot,....but I shut her down. The couple times when we're together, and most of the time she talks to me, I can tell that she is either really excited to hear from me, or at least in a good mood b/c she is talking to me. However, I know that she isn't excited or happy enough to want to see me or spend time with me like she did previously.

It's obvious to me that she's confused, and feels like she's missing out if she doesn't go out with her friends every night out of the week, and by me being the the picture, I might possibly mess up an opportunity and/or cut down the fun level.

Her friends who's description of themselves on myspace are "Instinctively avoids commitment" hahaha. What a joke. Bascially both of the girls are cute, but dumb, their guys got annoyed with them and cheated on them, and now they are hell bent on trying to temporarily live the tara reid, paris hiltion lifestyle for the summer,....and my ex basically can't think for her self, so is along for the ride.

Anyway, all the BS aside, I appreciate the suggestions, and will leave this girl alone for the remainder of the summer, and the beginning of the semester, and then play it by ear from there. B/c when I actually see her in person, w/o her possy she can't fend for herself, ESPECIALLY IN PUBLIC, (she is self conscious about other people seeing her when she acts up), so basically the ball will be in my court.