How do you get some from an attention w#$%e, the second time around


Don Juan
Jul 24, 2006
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Made a similar post b/f, but I'm posting again b/c the lightbulb finally turned on and I finally figured this girl out. We were together for a while last spring semester, now we're not. What happened was basically a mix of me being an AFC at the time and her, (which I just figured out), being a closet attention w#$%e, (she wont' dress like it, but she can not deny attention from almost any man that has the balls to come up and hit on her.....definatly didn't know this going in, lol). So a new dude for the summer comes along. Whatever, so I'm working on other things, being extremely picky though they haven't worked out like I wanted them too. Anyway, this new guy and her are starting to fight, b/c of basically her being an attention w$%^e, lol, and him well,.....him calling her out on that and her being nuts.......which she is.....totally pissed the one moment and totally happy the next. Also important to note that she feels justified in being an attention ***** by saying that neither me nor him were ever her boyfriends.....although with me and her this was semantics.....whether this new dude slept with her,....I'm not sure, (she's picky about her "numbers"),.......but I'd assume so.

What's weird though, is even though that he's getting fired up over dumb things, and flipping out on her and being very disrespectfull, (swearing and name calling), I think, (even though she deny's it), its turning her on in a messed up kind of way,......the drama and the dominance, (which what he's doing is usually thought of as the wrong thing to do,.. but again, probably cuz she's nuts, it works). To eloborate on that the one time I might of had a chance with her this summer,....was when she thought I was acting "like she was a bad person" by me being short and curt with my words. She cried about this, but my dumb ass wasn't prepped for that at all and instead of throwing salt in the wound or calling her out I reverted to old AFC habbits and said "I see you as a big question mark." And she went from totally balling, (which she never does, prides herself on being tough), to 100% fine in like less than 1 minute, literally.

She also went out of her way to try to get me to go out with her that night, which is totally out of character for her....(which I replied....why would I want to do something lame like that.....I knew that I probably wasnt' going to be able to sleep with her, for the hell of it I just felt like aserting myself to her that I wasn't needy). that need to be "liked" or at least not looked upon badly.

So anyway. I finally got things figured out logisitically. I'll SARGE my one day off during the weekends. However during the week, and sometimes after classes, I will see this girl a lot being in the same program, and as usual the crazy one's usually make for the best sex, .....this girl is no exception, chick, hot body, hot sex.....which is bascially all I want from her, friends with benefits status. I know I'd be much better off not to even give her the time of day, but I figure since she's going to be my only option during the week, for the next year.....and I'm little OCD on the sex with her, b/c it was mind blowing, (if it were a drug I'd be addicted, lol)....I would like to see if I could work some magic.

So my question to guys is,..... how could I work this magic,.....I know b/c this being the second time, Magic is what I might need, b/c rule of thumb is its stupid to even try do b/c of a lot of work w/ very low chances of sucess. Granted, she's psycho, but a very simple psycho, I now know her wants, tendiences, and weaknesses. With this info. I was thinking there should be a way to figure this out a game plan to manipulate the situation . Like I said unfortuantely my free time and money will be scarce, and with her since our schedules match and I'll see her a lot......I figure what the hay....might as well give it a go.


Oct 13, 2005
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Padron Reserve maduro in hand while finishing my b
Be as forthright as you can be with her. If she is truly an attention wh0re the first thing you need to do is let her know that you know what she is and you're not part of the game she's playing. Call her a$$ out on it. Tell her how great the sex was but how much better it is with other women who try not to dangle the goods so much or who are so desperate for attention she'll lower herself.

This works on every level, mental and physiological mostly. She doesn't have any control over your lead from that point forward.



Don Juan
Oct 3, 2005
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Damn dude, oneitus with a fvcking psycho. And you said it yourself. She is the only suitable lay in your area? Get out man, the hottest girl in one room is the ugliest in another, there is no way she is that special. Also, her being crazy should take away from her attractiveness I think... unless you are crazy too. I think you should get over it. See what you are doing is.. you're putting the pvssy on a pedestal..


Don Juan
Jul 28, 2006
Reaction score
dude I'm pretty much going through the same exact situation.....I know what you mean. I was a big time AFC with this chick and that's why it ended (funny cuz mine said the same thing...we were never bf/gf, even though we were together for a couple months and were fcking like rabbits)

Anyway, what you have to do is not talk to her for awhile and let her see you out with other girls and she'll stew up inside. I did the same thing with my girl and I guess it was eating at her cuz finally she wanted me again. So I end up getting back together with her....but low and behold I reverted back to AFC ways and she put me on the back burner.

Unfortunately, it took me 2 tries with mine to figure her as I'm working on other girls, I'm trying to establish fck buddy status with her cuz, like you and your chick, shes second to none in bed.


Don Juan
Jul 24, 2006
Reaction score
Cool, thanks for the replies guys, I have a couple questions and comments.

Karma - I have no problems calling her out, however, since this other guy just did that recently, (he was pissed cuz she was basically wasn't going to make an effort to keep hanging out with him once school started)........would it still be as effective?

Wee - Unfortunately for me right now, my living situation, (living on the couch in my sisters apt.),...and school and work........will give me one night of the week to SARGE, .....which I plan on doing. For opprotunities this is going to be the worst year of my life, every year b/f this and every after this will be ok. Also b/c of my living scenario if I were to make any moves, it would have to happen at the girl's place, not mine, not imppossible, but more difficult when your only working with one night a week,...but trust me I will be trying.

Where with this girl, we'll both have some random free time in the middle of different days, (and unfortunately we only have 22 pple in our class, meaning only one other option.....and she's actually a little hotter, but also nuttier, believe it or not), so purely on statistical level, I figure why waste time, (which is not enough time to go anywhere, but enough to make moves on her),.......and again,......unfortuantely I'm pretty picky, and she has a dynamite body is just ridiculous in the sack.

Aprilia - Let me know how if you're able to get the FB status, thats basically what I'm looking for as well. I did cut the communication off with her this summer for a good while, and suggested female competition, it did work pretty good for a while. However b/c she was out every single night of the week, she eventually found another option to get her attention. But, I think its going to be much different when school starts again soon, b/c she doesn't have her stupid friends,(Paris Hiltion and Tara Reid wannabe's) to give her that big self esteem boost. When you can isolate her from them,...look out, things can be done, ....and say there's no one around that she knows at all,....say we're early for a class........I mean thats really when things can be done, can tell, (and her friends are even worse than her with this),...she's ready to freak b/c she's alone.

Therefore anything done physically in front of her in school, and with classmates around...much more impact, with her trying to act all innocent,.... and not wanting people to know that she goes out every night of the week and flirts back with anything that has a pulse and a penis........if I say stuff when other people are works on a lot of levels. The big secret's out and she's too shy in front of others w/o her friends, defend herself. However, I'm not sure if this is pushing the envelope too much, and would get me no play and only scorn,.....I'd rather err on that side though than the AFC side.

Also, another real quick question. In school, she would sit next to her one friend, (who's cool, more neutral with both me and her, not like her friends outside of school), and I would sit behind her. Would it be more effective to sit totally away from her, or to continue to sit behind her, and talk to her friend, but ignore the hell out of her?