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    See if my workout is good!

    I workout 3 times a week: 1st workout: Bench press 3x6 * Incline bench press 3x6 *these two are alternated every week* Dips 2x6 lateral raises 2x8 cable push downs 2x8 2nd workout: deadlifts 3x5 leg press 3x6 leg curl 2x10 3rd workout: Barbell rows 3x6 lats pulldown 3x6...
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    Protein question !!!

    I'm in singapore so I'll go with they whey after work out as my only supplement . that should be enough for now rite?
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    Your first approaches, How did u feel?

    Haha cant say i dont get butterflies myself , but I just do it ! And to rrrrr - YA its very fun!
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    Protein question !!!

    So i went to the nearest health store to grab my first protein supplements, This is what I saw myoplex deluxe 53g of protein, whey protein ,whey (isolate) <-- not sure , but something like that... and ... weight gainer 2000,2200. I want to put on muscle mass quick,Im 155 pounds , 5'10 so...
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    Your first approaches, How did u feel?

    Not too long ago i started a approach journal of mine nearing my school exams, well lets just say it failed and I gave up updating. Fastforward 2 months after the exams and I have approached about 10-15 gals! All i can say is it is GREAT! Now when I see a hot chick I can talk to her while my...
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    sprints to bulk up legs?

    I myself do sprints about 2 times a week, I know that u get faster after a while, my timing for 100m is 13 sec , 14 when i first started.. leg size however is only slightly bigger so i think sprinting doesnt help much for bulking up the legs.. however it does help u lose bodyfat quite well.
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    Question ! What is ur ideal/desired weight?

    wow salvatore is real big , whats the ladies comments on ur bod ?
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    My new goal and why (which might turn into a journal)

    haha ya im interested in learning how to pick up from the mall too . I think the gals travel in groups though , so have to look out for gals on their own or if u got the guts go for a group.
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    My Journal : Journey to DJ

    ok day 2 was alright... approached a gal , i knew her older sister though. So when I went up and asked for her name she said it was XXX , XXX was the name of her sister! she said it was spelt differently though. Weird thing is that I later i found out her name was YYY and she said she was...
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    My Journal : Journey to DJ

    Well day one, approaches none, however talked to a few new chicks through introductions and flirted with them a little ... nothing much for today.
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    My Journal : Journey to DJ

    Okay after reading lemond's post about starting a journal , I thought it would be a great idea to start my own. I'm a 16 year old guy,have been on dates with gals but most of my relationships dont go too far except for the odd times. My current sucess is about 1 date in every 1/2 months I...
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    Question ! What is ur ideal/desired weight?

    Thought this would be good to see how many of us have reached our desired weight, so here goes... Post ur height, current weight,weight u wanna be and any comments. I'll go first, 5'10, 155pounds, 175pounds Yap still got lots of work to do.
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    Muay thai question

    as the title says, some questions i have , in muay thai do we numb our hands in ice before fights ? I heard it may cause a problem when we get older also, if i join muay thai is it part of the training to run lots ? Im worried that this would make me thin
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    Social Proof and Peacocking (Based on what I've seen in the Field)

    Good post :up: Peacocking really helps one stand out . but have you ever gone to far with it ? I know some people who dress up too much and i think they look just weird (eg. on drugs,drunk) haha hey it happened to me once and people avoided me.
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    Leg injured ! need help !

    OK as the title says my leg is injured , i can walk but i dont think i can do any leg training for a while . I was thinking if i should take a break from gym or still go and do exercises for the upper body ? Also if i stop going to the gym ... should i cut down on what i eat or not ? I want...
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    Girl knows our game.

    hey thanks for ur replies ... they are great ! to those who say they dont use negs dont just say that and leave without a suggestion. SO no negs ? then what ?its not like im using them all the time, whats ur game then ? isnt neg = teasing and teasing= good ?
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    Girl knows our game.

    I was talking to this girl the other time and it was doing great. good eyecontact and kino ... half way as the convo dropped off a bit i neg her painted nails she hits me and then...she goes "you are a player arent you ? is that ur routine with everygirl?" I was stunned... so I managed an...
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    What to say when praised !?

    ok silly me :p but any other suggestions ?
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    What to say when praised !?

    ok hello everyone! ... first post here im a new guy but i've been lurking for 3-4months Anyway,here goes: When i first came on,i wanted to improve myself and i started being more friendly with people , got rid of my specs and got contact lenses, started going to gym and got myself nicer...