Your first approaches, How did u feel?


Don Juan
Jul 23, 2006
Reaction score
Not too long ago i started a approach journal of mine nearing my school exams, well lets just say it failed and I gave up updating.

Fastforward 2 months after the exams and I have approached about 10-15 gals! All i can say is it is GREAT! Now when I see a hot chick I can talk to her while my friends chicken out.:kick:

What I got from these approaches: 2 numbers
1 msn add
2 rejections
10-15 chats with chicks!

My worst rejection was me asking a gal for an opinion on something and she simply shrugging, and my best approach was having a game of cards with 2 chicks , i got the hotter ones number:cool:

Guys share ur first experiences with us here, so that ppl who still do not dare approach would see how fun it is.


Senior Don Juan
May 7, 2003
Reaction score
Is it fun to you now to approach women?


Don Juan
Sep 1, 2004
Reaction score
South Florida
I love it when you go back to your friends and they are like a bunch of school girls asking what you said to her and what made you approach her. Thats when I just play it off like its no big deal- after all- its just a$$!

Keep at it you only improve.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 5, 2000
Reaction score
Yesterday I was at Wal-Mart and crossed through the section that had the cake mixes, etc. I saw a girl grabbing a bag of Brownie mix and I said "Mmmmm.. brownies. You're such a good friend." She said, "I'm making them for my sorority." I said, "which one?" Bla, bla, bla, bla, this girl would not stop talking about herself.

I got her number but I don't think I'm going to call her cuz I realized she had a bad case of acne. When I started talking to her she was bending over and all I could concentrate on was her little white girl azz...

What was the question again????


Apr 26, 2006
Reaction score
Northeast Florida, USA
I've picked up my approach game lately.. Within the past several months:

- Got number of a Burger King clerk while I was there with another chick on a date!! The clerk was cleaning the men's room when i went in. I made some very "interesting convo" with her when i went in to take a whiz, and got #. This was a fun one, girls # in the men's restroom!!!! LMAO

- Got number of a chick building a campfire in a park at a craft show. Told her it was illegal to make a fire in the park unless she put her name and phone # on my "ordinance sheet", which said "Ordinance Sheet - here is my phone #, whats yours". She gave me hers...

- Rejected by the clerk at Kaybee Toys while Christmas shopping. Said she had BF

- Got number of one waitress, but it was fake. Used her pen to sign my credit card slip and told her she couldnt have her pen back unless she wrote her # with it. I thought my technique was pretty good here, dispite the fake #. Think about this guys, it's an easy one when dealing with a waitress..

- Got number of another waitress which was real. My buddy bought me a drink I normally don't drink. Then my other buddy was confusing me about this other chick's name. I told the waitress I had had a really rough time, different drink, buddy making me confused, can I have your # to makeup for all my stress? And she gave it to me..

- Got number of another chick who I helped unlock her car she had locked her keys in

- Got rejected by another waitress who said she had a BF. Amazed my coworkers when I went back to the same place a week later, had her as a waitress again, and acted like nuttin happened.. They couldnt believe I was so suave about it..

- Got number of a chick I worked with at a charity event. Asked her if she was coming back the next day and she said no. I said "well then I better get your # tonight then"

- Got number of another chick I met at a different charity event one night, then saw her again at a wild hotel party I went to a few weeks later. Got her # at the hotel party the second night.. I said "This is wierd seeing you again, I don't believe in that 3 time charm BS, so I better get your number now (second night)"..

- Got # from a chick at a small local tap I go to sometimes.. Later in the night after I got the #, her sister (also at the bar) told me she was married.. I haven't got the kahoonas to mess with a married chick yet, so I threw the # out.

All in all, my progress hasn't been too bad, and I feel like I am only beginning..


Master Don Juan
Jul 6, 2005
Reaction score
South Bend
I don't approach much but when I do I get butterflies. Not all of the time but some of the time I do. Now a days I be in such a silly mode that I don't get nervous. I also talked to a girl for quite a long time today. She is almost my type but not looks wise. She was reading a book that's a good sign. But like the one guy said she was would not shut up. I still would hit it because I'm desperate.


Don Juan
Jul 23, 2006
Reaction score
Haha cant say i dont get butterflies myself , but I just do it !

And to rrrrr - YA its very fun!


Master Don Juan
Jan 6, 2007
Reaction score
I made my first approach on tuesday.

Yeah, i know, im still quite newbie.

On tuesday i approached about 10 girls, and for most of them i was drunk hehe. But when i sobered up, i approached a 3 set, and later on, their friend came. I was the only one out of our group to get all the girls numbers.

I have lost contact recently though, oh well.

I want to go sarging some more asap.


Master Don Juan
Apr 11, 2004
Reaction score
I distinctly remember the time when I did my first cold approaches.

I was with two wings from the Boston Lair, Shadowfox and Don Arturo. They are pretty experienced PUA's and they were setting the bar high by approaching women in a Barnes & Noble. They were just telling me it wasnt a big deal. But I was so so so nervous. Don Arturo gave me encouragement and I finally mustered up the courage to ask a girl on her opinion on books. I had been eyeing her for a bit not using the 3 second rule. I asked for her number at the end of the conversation and she told me she had a boyfriend.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 23, 2004
Reaction score
Josetown a.k.a Chocolate City Area
My first approach was a girl who was sitting down near a dorm hall. It was the first week of the bootcamp. She was staring at the sky or something. I commented on how she was thinking hard(I was somewhat nervous) She opened up after that. Convo lasted for 2 minutes. reassured my faith of approaching *****es. I still get butterflies in my stomache....but it aint stoppin me.