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  1. A

    Now I don't get anything...

    Well damn yeah, it is oneitis... When I said 'ignores', I meant that neither of us initiate contact, and that didn't use to be the case in the past... At least she would say me 'Hi'.
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    Now I don't get anything...

    OK, this is gonna be a long story, get up some coffee before you begin... :-) First off, I was an AFC. The real one. I didn't have a bare idea how dating works, how to talk with girls I was attracted to, nothing... And then, I started going to high school. Still the same problem. Chicks were...
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    On David DeAngelo and his works

    Well, of course that this works in fun places, hell, you won't be picking up girls at a funeral? What I talk about is a concept of ****y and Funny which needs to be applied correctly according to a situation you are in. That's the key if you want it to work.
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    On David DeAngelo and his works

    That's a great example, Supremo. That's what I meant. You just need to show indirect sweetness, it works wonders for most of the girls you'll encounter in high school.
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    On David DeAngelo and his works

    A small problem with his books is the fact that he repeats lots of stuff over books, so they just look like filled with information, but repeating key concepts now and then doesn't hurt that bad, though... I begin to see how useful his works are, I'm just going to keep up with learning from the...
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    On David DeAngelo and his works

    I completely agree with you both. If nothing else, all the concept he talks about really make sense and allow you to get the big picture when it comes to dating... All that stuff about evolution and female programming and social conditioning really helped me to understand many of the issues I...
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    Anyone Ever Tried This?

    I tried this several times, sometimes it worked, sometimes it didn't... But what I've realized is that telling her something like "Whoa, you looked so crazy in high school, I've always been frightened by you back then" in a sarcastic tone does wonders for you. Try it and see for yourself if you...
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    On David DeAngelo and his works

    Yeah, I suppoused that's the only way around... Because, no matter who says what, teenage girls work SLIGHTLY different from mature women, and that's the only problem... But with some tweaking, it can be done. That's what I've realized recently, now just to get to some work (trial and error...
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    On David DeAngelo and his works

    Yeah, I think that the techniques need to be altered a little bit, and unfortunately, I found that out the hard way :( But anyway, his techniques really are great and they DO work, which is the most important part of all this stuff... The problem right now is, that I began to alter my attitude...
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    On David DeAngelo and his works

    Heya everyone, recently one of my friends showed me some eBooks of David DeAngelo, and after reading them a while, I realized that everything he speaks about in his books really makes sense at some level, and my friend says the techniques and concepts DeAngelo talks about really work in the...
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    When they tell u u're funny

    OK, kino for now works fine, though I didn't try it on this particular girl (just wanted to try on some other to see if it really works lol), but now here's another problem. In the meantime I wasn't coming to school for a few days (had been on a seminar), now our relationship has sustained, and...
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    When they tell u u're funny

    OK, that's what I thought would be the right thing to do. Just another question: does that mean that she's actually attracted to me?
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    When they tell u u're funny

    OK, here's the situation: I've met this girl in school over some of my other female friends, and it happens that her and me sometimes go back from school together. Now, the fact is that I got hooked up on her and started to be funny when around her. And yes, she realized that I have a great...
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    Confused about all this stuff

    Yeah, that sounds like a good idea, but the fact is that some of the girls from that group are already in relationships, and if we ask them out, that will really be awkward. The other problem is that the most of the girls in the group aren't from my town, and they travel every day in order to go...
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    Confused about all this stuff

    Here's the deal: Over here at my school there are tons of attractive girls most of the guys would strive for (like there's a school without hot chicks, oh yeah... Sorry, I digress :D). The problem is that we guys just don't know them and don't have a clue what to do in order to meet and...