Now I don't get anything...


Don Juan
Jul 21, 2006
Reaction score
OK, this is gonna be a long story, get up some coffee before you begin... :)
First off, I was an AFC. The real one. I didn't have a bare idea how dating works, how to talk with girls I was attracted to, nothing...
And then, I started going to high school. Still the same problem. Chicks were everywhere, but I didn't have a bare idea what to do. One night, though, I told to myself that I needed to do something if I wanted to change the situation. I still remember how frustrated I was back then. The first thing I did was to Google for something of that matter. Suddenly, I found a majority of high quality dating web sites (SoSuave being one of them, of course).
I suddenly discovered the whole dating community and that was the time when I started learning.
I soon discovered the works of David DeAngelo and began reading his books. At first, it was all strange, but eventually everything made sense. That was the first time that I shifted my way of thinking, and his writings really helped me out a lot. I changed the whole perspective of girls and got a totally different mindset.
Soon after that, I made a lot more friends with girls. My self confidence skyrocketed. Things were going fine, until, well, until May this year...
There is a girl in my school which I really got attracted to, but we didn't know each other. Months passed and I was unsure if I really was attracted to her, beating myself up what to do. And then, I went camping with my friends in May this year, and she was in the group, too. We met each other, talked for a few hours, I was ****y & Funny all the time, she laughed, there were even some kino and the stuff.
We get back to school, keep talking with each other, tease each other, everything going wonderfully.
And then came the summer holiday... We were still occasionally meeting each other at nights, I was with my friends, she was with hers, but, suddenly, she doesn't initiate any contact with me. That's where everything started to f**k up. Time passed, and we started going to school again. Still no any contact from her side. Like she was ignoring me.
Then suddenly, again, we started talking to each other, like nothing happened, we tease each other again, and so on...
Then we went to a school excursion together, and again there was no contact between each other. Again she ignored me. We go back from the excursion, and she keeps ignoring me. I really don't know what's the point.
Why do I put so much energy on this girl, you may ask. Well, I know her really well now, and she actually has great personality. She also looks wonderfully. This really isn't a girl I would like to lose. I often catch myself daydreaming and thinking where is she right now and what is she doing. That's a strong indication that I would like to have a relationship with her. There are not so many girls like this one in my area. The other girls are just not so mature as this one. But I simply don't know what's going on here. Why she keeps shifting her behavior? I simply don't get it. Any clue on all this?


Master Don Juan
Jun 25, 2007
Reaction score
Well I know how you feel about her right now. Either shes got game, b/c shes doing what most DJ's do, or shes not sure if shes interested either. By ignores you do you mean you initiate and she dosent repond or neither of you initiate, b/c she may just have been waiting for you to make a move.


Don Juan
Nov 23, 2006
Reaction score
Sounds like you have oneitis. Either forget about her or make a move soon. Don't waste so much time on one girl.


Don Juan
Jul 21, 2006
Reaction score
Well damn yeah, it is oneitis...
When I said 'ignores', I meant that neither of us initiate contact, and that didn't use to be the case in the past... At least she would say me 'Hi'.

Grand Wizzard Alamar

Master Don Juan
Jan 7, 2007
Reaction score
My bed, your girl.
try looking over at her when shes ignoring you, make eye contact and smile.
other then that.. make a move or move on.

Bunk 040

Don Juan
Apr 15, 2004
Reaction score
If you aint smashed her yet, how do you have her to be able to lose her. You dont have her if she's ignoring you n ****. All you need to do is tell her you been feeling her n yall should be together. Period. Then you won't get ignored at all.


Don Juan
Apr 19, 2006
Reaction score
Dude, she is purposely doing that. Is it not obivious? Take it as an indication that she likes you and ask her number or go out (if you already have a number) to bowling together (not in a group). You are waiting for her intiate the start of a personal relation which most of the girls will probably never do so you do it instead. REMEMMBER: Always have fun, always. :cool: :up: