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  1. T

    Date Report continued

    Any idea why shes always txting instead of calling? I jokingly asked her why we never talk on the phone instead of always txting and she was like Good question lol we'll have to do that sometime
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    Date Report continued

    So a few days have gone by and we txt each other everyday. Well I just asked her if she wanted to do something next week and her exact words were "sure why not". I guess thats a yes but the way she said it makes it sound as if shes got nothing better to do. What do you guys think? Am I over...
  3. T

    Date Report continued

    Ok so today she said shes done with the other guy completely. Im still not sure what she thinks of me. I mean to be honest when we hung out at the park I dont think she really got a good impression of what Im really like and it was kinda boring cuz all we did was walk around and talk. But she...
  4. T

    Date Report continued

    I already asked her about the other guy. And yeah Im leaving next month actually so getting into anything serious is outta the question and kinda pointless. Now I feel as if I really have to show her a good time to top whatever she and the other guy did. I think I'll just not take this too...
  5. T

    Date Report continued

    Okay so she continues to txt me like when shes in school and right before she goes to bed. Tonight I straight up asked her about the other guy and she admitted to liking him but said that she doesnt think they'll be together because he's being ignorant and some other shyt.She said when they were...
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    Date Report

    SO I guess she wanted this other guy the whole time huh? And now it seems pointless to even bother with her.
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    Date Report

    Ok heres kinda a stick in the road. She had this guy she was goin out with for only a few days before we went out. And something happened and she said he was an a$$hole. Well now on her myspace page he's at the number 2 spot and her headline says "On hold, I wanna be his one and only" also in...
  8. T

    Date Report

    Ok so later on that night she txted me with something like What are you doing. etc And she told me to txt her the next day when I woke up. Does this sound like shes still into me? SHould I go ahead and set up a 2nd date?
  9. T

    Date Report

    Yeah I mean when we pulled in to where she works I was expecting her to get out right away but we did talk for a while there. SO I guess thats good. And actually I do have another girl(backup) whos been wanting to hang out-tho shes not as hot as this one.
  10. T

    Date Report

    I know I shouldve done some kino but I got the feeling she wasnt into me, which is kinda a 180 turn on things. Shes the one who asked me out and she was all into me. It was actually getting annoying with all her texts in her telling me to txt her when I got off work and shyt. And to be honest...
  11. T

    Date Report

    Ok I just got back from this little date with this girl I met on myspace. Over the past few days shes been constantly texting me and all. Well today I picked her up at school and we went to the park. It was pretty much empty and we just walked around and talked. We were there for prolly more...
  12. T

    Friend got Shyt Tested...and failed!

    So me and a friend were at the county fair when we ran into an old friend who was with some other ppl including two girls. I was talking to my old friend when the hot girl goes up to me and my friend-introduced themselves and then she asked my friend to buy her a candy apple-it was pathetic, I...
  13. T

    County Fair coming up...

    In a few days the county fair starts. Ive never been but i know they have some rides and other stuff like demolition derby and animals and whatever. Im pretty sure would be a good date-I know I girl from myspace thats going so I'll prolly end up going with her. Anyone else have experiance with...
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    women at the mall

    any tips for if your like walking by some hb?
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    What she rate at?

    What Konjac said!
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    What she rate at?

    Well since I cant really decide I dont think shes hot enough to keep me happy. I agree if a girls face isnt nice enough then it doesnt matter unless Im just gonna hit it. I think this ones def bangable but I dont care too much for her face, so I think Ima have to pass on this one. Btw I think...
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    What she rate at?

    i think her page is actually private so I'll try to post some pics.
  18. T

    What she rate at?

    Heres a link to this girl that really wants to go out with me. I have really high standards and I can't decide if shes hot enough tho. In some pics she looks alright I guess.What hb # would you guys rate her??
  19. T

    my friend ****ed it up for me!!!!!

    You def should've approached anyways-maybe joke about how much of a pVssy your friend is. lol